Search results for:Climate change

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Investment in Renewables

On Nov. 4, Walmart announced an aggressive plan to increase its investments in renewable energy, pledging to power half its operations from wind, solar, and other renewables by 2025 and to cut...

‘Extraordinarily Hot’ Arctic Temperatures Alarm Scientists

The Arctic is experiencing extraordinarily hot sea surface and air temperatures, which are stopping ice forming and could lead to record lows of sea ice at the north pole next year, according...

France Announces Coal Power Phase Out Date

France this week became the latest country to vow to phase out unabated coal power from its energy mix, pledging that its last coal plant will shut by 2023 at the latest. French...

‘We need everyone,’ Ban says

Rallying stakeholders gathered in Marrakech, Morocco, for the United Nations Climate Conference, known as ‘COP 22,’ Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon yesterday urged everyone – “from the local to the global” – including the...

Morocco Lights the Way for Africa on Renewable Energy

As the host of this year’s COP22 climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco has been keen to demonstrate its green credentials and make this COP the “African COP”. In the past year, Morocco...

29% of Water Deemed Unsuitable for Human Consumption in China’s Top Coal Province

We know that Trump digs coal, but of all the fossil fuels, coal is Earth's biggest polluter. The environmental impact of the coal industry is vast and devastating. And now, production of...

Policies are critical for the invisible fuel

Though 2015 was a record year for renewables, there is another energy technology that is making steady – but quiet – progress in limiting greenhouse gas emissions: energy efficiency. Managing how much energy...

Southill Solar Flicks Switch On Community Renewables Project

The UK's latest community renewables project came online on Friday as Southill Community Energy (SCE) flicked the switch on the 4.5MW Southill Solar farm in West Oxfordshire. The project, which was built by...

German Coalition Agrees to Cut Carbon Emissions up to 95% by 2050

Germany’s coalition government has reached an agreement on a climate change action plan which involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80 to 95% by 2050, a spokesperson said on Friday. The plan, which...

Patricia Espinosa Outlines 5 Key Areas of Action

The UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech kicked off on Monday, just three days after the Paris Climate Change Agreement entered into force.In her opening address Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary United Nations...

First bike-sharing scheme in Morocco launched in time for COP22

The Government of Morocco, in close cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), launched a bike-sharing scheme called “Medina Bike” in Marrakech, which is...

Last 5 Years Hottest on Record, Human Footprint ‘Increasingly Visible’

There is growing evidence that man-made climate change is contributing to individual extreme weather and climate events, according to the latest analysis by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The report, released at COP22...

Britain’s Last Coal Power Plants to Close by 2025

The last coal power station in Britain will be forced to close in 2025, the government has said as it laid out the detail of its plan to phase-out the polluting fossil...

Water resilience in Africa at forefront of COP22 agenda

Several African ministers in charge of water took part in a side event organised in the Moroccan pavilion yesterday during which they stressed the pertinence of putting water issues at the top...

Global ‘Greening’ Has Slowed Rise of CO2 in the Atmosphere, Study Finds

A global “greening” of the planet has significantly slowed the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the start of the century, according to new research. More plants have been growing due...

Scotland Generates Enough Wind Energy to Power Almost Every Household for an Entire Month

Wind turbines in Scotland provided enough electricity to supply the average needs of almost all Scotland's homes last month, according to a report. Data from WeatherEnergy showed turbines generated 792,717MWh of electricity to...



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