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Sweden, World Bank Support Better Solid Waste Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The World Bank has received a contribution of US$2.0 million from the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) to provide Technical Assistance (TA) for improved solid waste management practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Technical...

UK Hits Clean Energy Milestone: 50% of Electricity from Low Carbon Sources

Half of the UK’s electricity came from wind turbines, solar panels, wood burning and nuclear reactors between July and September, in a milestone first. Official figures published on Thursday show low carbon power,...

Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report 2016

The International Energy Agency said today that it was significantly increasing its five-year growth forecast for renewables thanks to strong policy support in key countries and sharp cost reductions. Renewables have surpassed...

Gazprom’s Positions Remaining Stable Amid Changing External Environment

The Gazprom Board of Directors took note of the information about the impacts caused by the events of 2016 on the long-term outlook for the global energy market. It was highlighted that a...

Barack Obama Bans Oil and Gas Drilling in Most of Arctic and Atlantic Oceans

Obama uses law that allows presidents to block sale of new offshore drilling and mining rights and makes it difficult for their successors to reverse decision. Barack Obama has permanently banned new oil...

European Commission Approves Drax Biomass Subsidy

The share price of Britain’s biggest power station operator has jumped to a five-month high after the European commission approved subsidies for its conversion to burn wood pellets instead of coal. Drax was...

IEA Welcomes Italy’s Plan to Revisit Energy Strategy and Further Decarbonize Economy

In its latest country review of energy policies, the International Energy Agency praised Italy’s comprehensive long-term energy strategy and the acceleration of its efforts to comply with 2020 goals on renewable energy,...

ISWA World Congress 2017: Call for Speakers

Next year ISWA heads to Baltimore, Maryland, USA, for the 2017 World Congress from 25th to 27th September. The overall theme of the congress "No Time to Waste" will cover a number...

It’s Official: Solar Is Becoming World’s Cheapest Form of New Electricity

For the first time, solar power is becoming the cheapest form of electricity production in the world, according to new statistics from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) released Thursday. While unsubsidized solar has...

UN Biodiversity Conference Results in Significant Commitments for Action on Biodiversity

Governments agreed on actions that will accelerate implementation of global biodiversity targets, and enhance the linkage of the biodiversity agenda with other global agendas including the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate...

Boone, NC Passes Historic Resolution: Ditch Fossil Fuels, Go 100% Clean Energy

With an incoming presidential administration seemingly hostile towards action on climate change, local solutions are now more important than ever. With or without Donald Trump's help, the North Carolina municipality of Boone...

USGBC Announces International Ranking of Top 10 Countries for LEED

USGBC announced the Top 10 Countries for LEED, a list that highlights countries outside the United States that are making significant strides in sustainable building design, construction and market transformation. These countries...

A Memorandum of Understanding to Intensify Energy Cooperation Between the EU and the EBRD

A new Memorandum of Understanding to enhance energy cooperation between the EU and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has been signed in London last week by EU Commissioner Arias...

A Place for Waste in 2017

In the United States, approximately 34 million tons of food is delivered to landfills annually, accounting for 35 percent of total landfill waste. Once in the landfill, this food slowly decomposes, emitting...

Ecotricity Trumpets 20 Years of Wind Energy

Green energy supplier Ecotricity is this week celebrating another milestone for UK wind energy this week, after the firm's first ever wind turbine turned 20. The Lynch Knoll windmill in Gloucestershire was completed...

Bill Gates and Billionaire Allies Launch $1bn ‘Breakthrough’ Clean Tech Investment Venture

A year on from announcing plans to accelerate investment in clean energy research on the sidelines of the Paris Summit, Bill Gates has officially launched a new $1bn clean tech investment fund...



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