Search results for:Climate change

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UK Offshore Wind Power Costs Tumble 32 Per Cent in Four Years

UK offshore wind power costs have plummeted by almost a third in four years, putting the technology on course to soon be level with the cost of conventional power generation, a report...

The Last Time Earth was this Hot was 125,000 Years Ago

Proving once more that climate change is a runaway problem, scientists just revealed that the earth is the hottest it’s been in 125,000 years. The last time global temperatures were this high,...

Scotland Sets Ambitious Goal of 66% Emissions Cut within 15 Years

Scotland is seeking to dramatically cut its reliance on fossil fuels for cars, energy and homes after setting a radical target to cut total climate emissions by 66% within 15 years. In one...

WMO Confirms 2016 as Hottest Year on Record, about 1.1°C above Pre-Industrial Era

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) yesterday announced that the year 2016 has been the hottest year on record, surpassing the exceptionally high temperatures of 2015, according to a consolidated analysis. The globally averaged...

France’s Energy Transition Is Vital for Energy Security, According to Latest IEA Review

The International Energy Agency (IEA) praised France for setting in motion significant reforms towards more secure, affordable and sustainable energy supplies and the green growth of its economy. Over the past ten years...

China: ‘All Parties Must Stick to Paris Agreement’

Chinese premier Xi Jinping has urged world leaders not to abandon the historic Paris climate change agreement in a high profile speech today to the World Economic Forum in Davos. In an address...

IRENA Convenes Legislators Forum to Engage Key Actors in Renewable Energy Policy

Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., 13 January 2017 — Lawmakers from around the world are meeting today in Abu Dhabi to discuss the policies needed to support the transformation of the global energy system....

Four US Cities Urge Carmakers to Boost Electric Vehicle Production

City mayors from San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, and Seattle have released a joint request for US carmakers to step up EV production in order to meet growing demand for electric vehicles...

Manchester Goes Green – Airport Significantly Reduces Energy Usage & City Centre Properties Follow Suit

Manchester airport becomes first carbon neutral airport in the UKFrom 1st April 2018 it is unlawful to rent a property with poor energy efficiency rating Mason Street uses low-carbon tech...

Essen is Europe’s 2017 Green Capital

The German city of Essen is Europe's "Green Capital" in 2017, a title awarded by the European Commission, for its success in transitioning from a heavily polluting mining center to a clean...

Solar Panel Researchers Investigate Powering Trains by Bypassing Grid

Imperial College and climate change charity 10:10 to focus on connecting solar panels directly to train lines, reports BusinessGreen. Imperial College London has partnered with the climate change charity 10:10 to investigate the...

Solar Energy Growing Fast, but Night Time is Still a Problem

The idea that solar power may soon be everywhere isn’t nutty anymore. The price of solar panels has plunged more than 80% in the past five years and is expected to keep...

Renewables = 25% Of UK Electricity Generation In 3rd Quarter, Met 60% Of Scottish Needs In 2015

Electricity generated by renewables has accounted for 25% of the UK’s total electricity generation for the third quarter according to government figures, while the same report reveals that renewables accounted for nearly...

Strengthen Cooperation on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

UN Environment Deputy Executive Director, Ibrahim Thiaw and the Secretary-General of the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States, Patrick I. Gomes signed recently, in the margins of the joint ACP-EU...

35MW Waste to Energy Project for B&W Vølund in Boden, Sweden

Babcock & Wilcox Vølund has been awarded a contract worth approximately $35 million to design, supply and construct a waste to energy boiler for a combined heat and power plant in Boden,...

Norway’s Biggest Oil Company to Build Huge Offshore Wind Farm Off Coast of New York

If everything goes to plan, New York City and Long Island will be harnessing the Atlantic Ocean's strong and dependable winds as a source of renewable energy. Norway's biggest oil company will be...



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