Search results for:Climate change

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How Norway Is Leading the Way in Making the Planet Greener

From being a UNESCO World Heritage Site to boasting the razor sharp peaks of the Lofoten Islands and emerald green fjords, it is easy to see why Norway is one of the...

Antarctic Sea Ice Shrinks to Smallest Ever Extent

Data contradicts climate change sceptics, who have pointed to earlier increases in areas of sea ice to support their views. Sea ice around Antarctica has shrunk to the smallest annual extent on record...

Sustainable Flight with Biofuels

If the aviation sector were a country, it would be the eighth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world — using planes and helicopters to move people and cargo around the world...

OPEC Secretary General Meets with TOTAL Chairman and CEO Patrick Pouyanné

OPEC Secretary General, HE Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, met with Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of French oil and gas company TOTAL SA, during a high-level meeting Tuesday at the company’s...

UK Offshore Wind ‘Will Lower Energy Bills’ More than Nuclear

Offshore windfarms could provide cheaper power than Britain's new wave of nuclear power stations, a leading figure in the wind industry has claimed. Speaking to the the Guardian, Hugh McNeal, the chief executive...

Almost 90% of New Power in Europe from Renewable Sources in 2016

Renewable energy sources made up nearly nine-tenths of new power added to Europe’s electricity grids last year, in a sign of the continent’s rapid shift away from fossil fuels. But industry leaders said...

Number 6 – February 2017

  New bulletin is dedicated to Climate Change. The Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce have performed many activities, such as round tables on Serbian Strategy on...

Coal Collapse Pushes UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions Down Four Per Cent in 2015

UK greenhouse gas emissions fell nearly four per cent last year, continuing a long-running trend that has seen the country's emissions drop 38 per cent since 1990. The latest official statistical release from...

Fiji Launches National Competition for COP23 Logo

The Fijian Government has called on all Fijians to submit design ideas for the logo that will represent the Fijian Presidency at COP 23 – the United Nations negotiations on climate change....

Financial Institutions Worth $6.6 Trillion Set Standards for Financing Sustainable Development

Nearly 20 leading global banks and investors, totaling $6.6 trillion in assets, launched two weeks ago the Principles for Positive Impact Finance - a first of its kind set of criteria for...

Huge Win for Renewables in Maryland as Lawmakers Override Governor’s Veto

Lawmakers in the Maryland Senate voted 32-13 Thursday to expand the state's renewable energy target restoring the Clean Energy Jobs Act and overriding Republican Gov. Larry Hogan's veto of the measure in...

There Is Constantly Fewer Water Resources, Better Management Is Necessary

While preparing for the interview with PhD Nebojša Veljković, we have performed several experiments and easily made sure that the litre of water is more expensive than the litre of petrol. Continuation...

UK Can Still Meet Carbon Targets with Heathrow Expansion, Government Says

The addition of a third runway at Heathrow will not endanger the UK's ability to meet its legally binding climate change targets, the government has claimed in a new Airports National Policy...

Deutsche Bank Vows to End New Coal Lending, in Line with Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement and the global divestment campaign has secured one of its biggest victories to date, after banking giant Deutsche Bank announced it would halt investment in new coal projects in...

Campus Greenhouse Gas Emissions Down 7 Percent Since 2014

MIT’s total campus emissions have dropped by 7 percent since 2014, according to MIT’s second annual greenhouse gas inventory. The inventory, whose results were released by the MIT Office of Sustainability in...

Melbourne Trams to Be Solar-Powered under Andrews Government Proposal

Building large-scale solar farms in northern Victoria part of plan to reduce state’s net carbon emissions to zero by 2050. Melbourne’s tram network will become entirely solar-powered under a proposal by the Andrews...



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