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ABB to Power World’s First Hybrid-Electric Biomass Fuel Carriers

The Japanese Shipowners’ Association has announced that the Japanese shipping industry will take on the challenge of 2050 net zero GHG. One of its most significant initiatives is e5 Lab Inc., a...

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rural Agribusinesses Cluster Together to Flourish

Vibrant rural economies emerge when farms and small businesses work closely together, pooling resources and advocating as a group about the issues that matter to them. Yet in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH),...

The Green Shade of Black Gold

When we mention NIS, the first thing that comes to mind for most consumers is the production and sale of fuel. However, over the past decade, the domestic oil industry has also...

How Quickly is Tourism Recovering From COVID-19?

Tourism was hit particularly hard by the pandemic, as lockdowns restricted people to travelling around their homes and neighbourhoods rather than around the world. But there are now signs that tourist numbers...

In Moldova, Shelter Belt Forests Build Rural Livelihoods and Protect Against Climate Change Impacts

Mihail Bozianu’s interest in beekeeping started early. “I was 11 years old and we had nothing,” he remembers. “I started on my own with two hives. By the day I graduated from...

Green Cooling – Tackling Climate Change With Eco-Friendly Technology

Natural refrigerants protect the environment and the climate. In Latin America and the Caribbean, they are replacing existing products that harm the climate.With ever longer cold chains, the global movement of goods...

The Fieragricola and Informatore Agrario Innovation Awards Have Been Announced

The winners of the fourth edition of the Italian Agriculture Innovation Awards were announced today. From agricultural robots to hybrid tractors with reversible drive through to food and feed with natural antioxidant...

Green Hydrogen Needs Industrial Policy Making and Certification

With its ability to decarbonise hard-to-abate sectors like chemicals and steelmaking industries, green hydrogen is expected to be in high demand as countries are racing to achieve their net zero targets. However,...

3 Ways the Circular Economy is Vital for the Energy Transition

The circular economy is a system which aims to get the most out of materials, keep products and materials in use and design them to be cycled back into the economy, eliminating...

Green Fashion in Užice

Women’s Centre Užice (WCU) was registered in 1998, resulting from an initiative made by 15 women and with the aim to start discussing the real status of women, their rights, and abilities...

Circular Business Models and Smarter Design Can Reduce Environment and Climate Impacts From Textiles

The EEA briefing ‘Textiles and the environment: The role of design in Europe’s circular economy’ provides updated estimates of textiles’ life-cycle impacts on the environment and climate. The briefing shows that, compared with...

Can e-commerce Help Save the Planet?

If you have logged onto Google Flights recently, you might have noticed a small change in the page’s layout. Alongside the usual sortable categories, like price, duration, and departure time, there is...

It’s Time to Shift to Net-Zero Emissions Plastics

There are two sides to everything - and that goes for plastics, too.Let's start with the positive side. Plastics shape and facilitate the whole of modern life. They are found in everything...

The Potential of Digital Business Models in the New Energy Eonomy

The pace of digitalisation in the energy sector has accelerated rapidly in recent years, leading to a transformation of many traditional business models. Thanks to innovative technologies and access to new types...

Loyal Partners In Serbia’s Green Transition

Some would say that after 70 years of existence, a company would not have any challenges to face. Tetra Pak company's employees are still full of life and energy, but also responsible...

Ball Uses Recycling to Dominate the Global Market

Every day in the market we see new products being made with only one goal, which is to make our lives easier. Only a few of us would ask how much does...



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