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Arctic Sea Ice Hits Second-Lowest Winter Peak on Record

Arctic sea ice has experienced its maximum extent for the year, reaching 14.48 million square kilometers (approximately 5.59 million square miles) on March 17—the second smallest in the 39-year satellite record. The provisional...

Emissions Must Fall By Mid-Century to Meet Paris Temperature Goals, Study Finds

With the exception of the U.S., every country in the world has now expressed an intention to honor the Paris agreement, which means they have all committed to limiting global warming to...

C40 Reveals Cities’ Emissions Are Up To 60% Higher, Resulting In Bigger Reduction Opportunities

A new analysis from the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group has revealed that cities are actually generating up to 60% more greenhouse gasses than currently estimated due to the impact of trade...

High Court In UK Rules That Current Air Pollution Mitigation Plans Aren’t Enough, Must Be Improved

The air pollution mitigation plans in place in the UK currently aren’t enough on their own to address the issue, and need to be improved, the union’s High Court has ruled, according...

Latte Levy: Starbucks’ Five Pence Coffee Cup Charge Starts Today

People buying a hot drink in one of Starbuck's 35 London stores from today will have to pay an extra five pence for a takeaway cup, under a new trial designed to...

Paris Joins Other Police Forces By Adding Electric Cars To Its Fleet

16 new Volksvagen e-Golf sedans began patrolling the streets of Paris this past week. They are part of a one year experiment to determine the suitability of electric cars for the demands...

NGO HEAL: The Amount of Particle Pollution from Air which We Are Exposed to

The numerous consequences of air pollution, including the contribution to mortality of one million people per year worldwide, are becoming a hot topic in Serbia. Exposure to air pollution is associated with...

Renewables Meet Equivalent of Entire British Electricity Demand – in 1958

Wind, solar, biomass, and hydropower now deliver enough green electricity to have powered Britain 60 years ago, according to new analysis published this week by power group Drax. Britain's renewables output hit 96TWh...

Report Shows Half of Public Buses Will be Electric by 2025

The total number of electric buses servicing the public will more than triple by 2025, according to a new report released by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). In 2017, there were 386,000...

Low-Carbon Electricity Outstrips Fossil Fuel Electricity in 2017

2017 was a record-breaking year for clean electricity in the UK, with new analysis from Carbon Brief today revealing more power came from low-carbon sources than all fossil fuels combined for the...

Vehicles are Now America’s Biggest CO2 Source but EPA is Tearing Up Regulations

Some of the most common avatars of climate change - hulking power stations and billowing smokestacks - may need a slight update. For the first time in more than 40 years, the...

Dell and General Motors Join Effort to Drive Out Ocean Plastics

A group of businesses led by the NGO Lonely Whale yesterday revealed plans to build the first commercial-scale ocean-friendly plastic supply chain, in the latest sign of the growing momentum behind efforts...

Air Pollution Harm to Unborn Babies May Be Global Health Catastrophe

Air pollution significantly increases the risk of low birth weight in babies, leading to lifelong damage to health, according to a large new study. The research was conducted in London, UK, but its implications...

Solar To Reach Tipping Point In 2018 & Save 80% In Developing World

A new report from London-based development company Crown Agents has concluded that 2018 will be the year solar hits its commercial tipping point, resulting in a dramatic drop-off in price and making...

Wales Urges UK Government to ‘Think Again’ on Onshore Wind Ban

The Welsh Government, RenewableUK and several green groups have jointly called for onshore wind and solar projects to be allowed to compete in future UK clean energy auction rounds, arguing that the...

Legal & General Complete First UK Offshore Wind Investment

Legal & General has made its first UK offshore wind investment, today announcing plans to channel £300m into what promises to be the world's largest offshore wind project. The project in question, the...



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