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6 Things You Can Do to Avoid Climate Catastrophe

We've already warmed the world about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times—with disastrous effects. Sea levels are rising, coral reefs are dying, species are going extinct and extreme weather...

We Have 12 years to Limit Climate Change Catastrophe, Warns UN

The world’s leading climate scientists have warned there is only a dozen years for global warming to be kept to a maximum of 1.5C, beyond which even half a degree will significantly...

The Impact of Architecture on the Environment

In 1987, the World Commission on the Environment and Development defined sustainability as a process of meeting the present needs without compromising future generations and their needs. This definition can be expounded...

Ambassador of Denmark, Anders Hougård: The promotion of the green agenda is a never-ending process

The country of well-being, the oldest monarchy in Europe and the country with the happiest inhabitants, the birthplace of LEGO bricks, “hygge” lifestyle and famous fairy-tale writer Hans Christian Andersen – we...

Global Water Market to Grow to $915bn by 2023’

It has been linked to high commodity and oil prices as well as major water quality and infrastructure plans. The global water market is projected to grow to nearly $915 billion (£700bn) over...

The Startup Making Shirts out of Cow Poo

Cow waste is a global environmental issue. Jalila Essaïdi and Dutch farmers are tackling the problem by transforming manure into materials. Would you buy a shirt that has been through the back end...

Green Foods Could Clean Up the Construction Industry

We’ve all heard of eating our vegetables, but what about building with them? A new study by Lancaster University‘s B-SMART program will examine the effects of incorporating root vegetables – yes, vegetables...

From Harmful Ambrosia over Pellets to a Warm Home

The large family home belonging to Rade Vujic from Sitnes near Srpac in Republika Srpska is probably the only building in the entire area that is being heated by combustion of a...

Greenpeace Finds Microplastics and Hazardous Chemicals in Remote Antarctic Waters

Another day, another sign of the reach of the global ocean plastics crisis. A Greenpeace expedition to Antarctica turned up microplastics in more than half of ocean water samples taken in the...

How the UK Fell out of Love with Wet Wipes

On the eighth-floor isolation ward of London’s University College Hospital, nurses have two lines of defence against the spread of life-threatening diseases. First are the airtight double lobbies in every room. Second...

If Anything, Sludge Is a Resource

On our path to the European Union, we are bound to adopt a number of laws, among which are regulations related to the treatment of all wastewater and wastewater sludge. Despite the...

Scientists Accidentally Create Mutant Enzyme That Eats Plastic Bottles

Scientists have created a mutant enzyme that breaks down plastic drinks bottles – by accident. The breakthrough could help solve the global plastic pollution crisis by enabling for the first time the...

Pollution Sources Have Increased More Than 50% In Last 8 Years, China’s Environment Ministry Reports

In relation to a new nationwide survey meant to ascertain the amount of environmental damage done by the last 30 years of rapid growth, China’s environment ministry has revealed that the number...

Land Degradation Threatens Human Wellbeing

Land degradation is undermining the wellbeing of two-fifths of humanity, raising the risks of migration and conflict, according to the most comprehensive global assessment of the problem to date. The UN-backed report underscores...

McDonald’s to Take Major Bite Out of Carbon Footprint with New Science-Based Targets

McDonald's has become the first global restaurant company to set greenhouse gas targets in line with global climate science, it claimed today as it launched a raft of new green commitments. The fast...

Microplastic Pollution in Oceans is Far Worse than Feared, Say Scientists

The number of tiny plastic pieces polluting the world's oceans is vastly greater than thought, new research indicates. The work reveals the highest microplastic pollution yet discovered anywhere in the world in a...



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