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EBRD supports green transition of Poland’s electricity producer Tauron

Tauron Polska Energia, one of the largest energy firms in Poland, is moving from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development...

Recycling Wind Turbine Blades

Wind turbines have increased in size and quantity to meet clean energy capacity demands Modern wind power converts the kinetic (movement) energy from wind into mechanical energy. This happens through the turning of...

New Strains of Rice Could Address Climate Change

Rice is a staple for more than 3.5 billion people, including most of the world’s poor. But it can be a problematic crop to farm. It requires massive amounts of water and...

UNEP Launches a Virtual Journey Through Three Iconic Forests

The COVID-19 pandemic might have scotched your vacation plans this year. But you can still bound through some of the world’s most iconic landscapes in a new online journey launched by the...

Countries Raise the Sails on Offshore Renewables Sector

Offshore renewables, including offshore wind, wave, tidal, ocean thermal, and floating solar PV, will witness substantial growth in capacity over the next decade and play an essential role in the global energy...

World Food Day: How Soon Will We Be Eating Lab-Grown Meat?

Feeding 10 billion mouths in 2050 poses a big challenge for the food industry. Doing that while also reducing carbon emissions enough to save the planet on which we depend for our...

Agrophotovoltaic News — Bifacial Panels In Germany, Grazing Sheep In Austria

Agrophotovoltaics is a fancy word that means it is possible to combine solar power with farming in a way that benefits both. In theory, it would be possible to meet all the...

Plants – You Owe Them Your Life

Protecting plants is vital for the future of our planet – that’s why 2020 is the International Year of Plant Health.Plants aren’t just a nice addition to your windowsill: they are the...

Melbourne Airport Building Largest Behind-The-Meter Solar Power Plant in Australia

This may be a lousy time for the airline industry, but it is the perfect time for Australia’s Melbourne Airport to look to the future. The largest behind-the-meter solar farm in Australia...

From Farm to Street – Animal Health and Welfare at the Heart of the European Union Policies

We are still getting used to the absence of the purple cow from the packaging of popular chocolates and the faces of Gerda, Muccha and Marisa, wondering if their predecessor went on...

10 Things You Should Know About Industrial Farming

There was a time when industrial agriculture seemed to be a panacea for a fast-growing world.  Synthetic fertilizers, chemical pesticides and high-yield cereal hybrids promised to reduce hunger, accommodate growing populations and...

City of Sydney Goes 100 percentage Renewable

As of July 1, Sydney, the largest city in Australia, will power all its operations — street lights, sports facilities, buildings, and the historic Town Hall — with 100% renewable energy from...

Six Ways Nature Can Protect Us from Climate Change

Restoring and protecting nature is one of the greatest strategies for tackling climate change, but not just for the obvious reason that it sucks carbon out the air. Forests, wetlands, and other...

Innovative Program Connects Donors and Tree-Planting Groups

In 2018, the United Nations (UN) declared 2021-2030 as the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration in an effort to reverse centuries of damage to forests, wetlands and other ecosystems. The following year, as...

How to Exploit Coal Reserves?

The increase of energy production from renewable sources and higher energy efficiency are definitely directions towards a sustainable energy future of Serbia. Energy experts have no dilemmas about that. However, the subject...

Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Thriving World

The development of sustainable energy projects, including finance and advisory services, makes the core business of E3 International (E3I). Bonnie Norman, president of E3 International and well-known advisor on the creation of...



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