Search results for:energy efficient

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New Stacked Solar Cell Absorbs Energy from Almost the Entire Solar Spectrum

Most traditional solar cells aren’t able to convert long-wavelength photons into electricity. A team of researchers led by Matthew Lumb at The George Washington University is hoping to change that in order...

MAJA TODOROVIC: The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has Always Dealt with Energy Efficiency

Last year in June a training organization for the training of Energy Managers and authorized energy advisors commenced its operation. The first participants have acquired necessary knowledge about legal framework of the...

ALEKSANDRA TOMIC: The Introduction of Energy Managers a Big Step Forward for Serbia

In late September 2016, a conference on “Energy efficiency in public buildings in Serbia” was held at the hotel Metropol and was organized by GIZ, Ministry of Energy and Mining and the...

Air Pollution & Dust Cuts Solar Cell Energy Output By Over 25% In Some Parts Of The World, Study Finds

A new study has now quantified the solar cell energy output loss occurring around the world as a result of air pollution and dust — bringing one of the most serious limitations...

Domestic Appliances Guzzle Far More Energy than Advertised – EU Survey

TVs, dishwashers and fridge freezers have been found to guzzle up to twice as much energy as advertised on their energy labels, in a wide-ranging EU product survey. When tested under real-world conditions,...

Duke Energy Behind North Carolina’s Proposed Solar Policy Change

Alongside Highway 401 in northern North Carolina is a 21st-century twist on a classic rural scene. A few miles outside of Roxboro, sheep graze among 5,000 panels at the Person County Solar...

IRENA To Work With State Grid Of China To Accelerate Energy Transition

The International Renewable Energy Agency and the State Grid Corporation of China announced their intention last week to increase their cooperation with the intent to advance China’s energy transition. The State Grid Corporation...

Could Biomimicry Revolutionise Renewable Energy?

A host of new technologies have been inspired by the natural world, as designers increasingly look to biomimicry when to creating new ideas for wind turbines, solar cells and hydropower. So could...

Embrace Decentralised Renewable Energy for Power Supply

Countries in Africa and South Asia should embrace inexpensive decentralised renewable energy (DRE) technologies for clean, sustainable and affordable power for all, says a report. Most national governments are far from solving energy...

Australia’s Renewable Energy Agency Commits $20 Million To Boosting Solar PV R&D

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency announced this week that it is committing $20 million in funding to boost the growth of solar PV research and development in an effort to make solar...

Solar Energy Brings A Ray Of Hope To Salt Farmers In Gujarat

A vast majority of India's salt comes from Gujarat's Little Rann of Kutch desert. Here, about 43,000 salt farmers, mostly women, work in brutal heat to produce salt from briny tidal water....

EP100: H&M Dresses for Energy-Saving Success

Fashion retail giant and US-based LED lighting manufacturer Cree have become the latest two high profile firms to pledge to double their energy productivity under the EP100 initiative. The EP100 scheme, which is led...

In 10 Years, Wind Energy May Be Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels

Breaking news has surfaced in the world of renewable energy sources. In the U.S. alone, a new wind turbine is completed every 2.4 hours, and, in 2016, 5.6 percent of all electricity...

Highly-efficiency renewable energy – KPA Unicon to deliver power plant for Termoflorestal LDA to Juncal, Portugal

Termoflorestal LDA and KPA Unicon have signed a contract of Unicon Altius 5 MWe power plant delivery to Juncal, Porto de Mos, Portugal. The power plant will operate on renewable fuel and...

India’s ‘Fruit of the Gods’ Could Make Solar Cells Cheaper and More Efficient

Scientists at the Institute of Technology (IIT)-Roorkee in India are investigating if commonly available fruits and fruit juices could help make solar cells cheaper and more efficient. The researchers were able to fabricate...

10 States Leading the Pack in Clean Energy Jobs

The solar, wind and energy efficiency industries already employ millions of people in the U.S. and they're poised to grow. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there are 374,000 American jobs in...



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