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Kaiserwetter to Help Accelerating the Transition to Clean Energy and Mitigating Climate Change

ARISTOTELES Sky—The Energy Cloud for Nations will be unveiled at the Sustainable Innovation Forum 2019 held during the COP25 in Madrid NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#AI--With global greenhouse emissions projected to reach another record high this year, I...

Migration v Climate: Europe’s New Political Divide

The crowd that gathered outside Hungary’s neo-gothic parliament building on Friday was loud, young and passionate. The latest round of global school climate strikes drew several thousand people in Budapest, including the...

Climate Science Informs COP25

The latest climate science from WMO and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is informing negotiations at the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference.The 25th session of the Conference of the Parties...

EU Member States Add More Climate Policies

The EEA briefing ‘More national climate policies expected, but how effective are the existing ones?’ analyses EU Member States actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve climate and energy targets. The...

Sustainable Transport Key to Tackling the Climate Crisis

The critical role of the transport sector in achieving the goal of the Paris Climate Change Agreement to keep global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels was...

Methane Emissions from Coalmines Could Stoke Climate Crisis – Study

The methane emissions leaking from the world’s coalmines could be stoking the global climate crisis at the same rate as the shipping and aviation industries combined.Coalmines are belching millions of tonnes of...

Spain Offers to Host UN Climate Conference After Chile Cancellation

Spain has offered to host the COP25 UN climate conference in December after weeks of violent protests forced the Chilean government to cancel both the global environmental meeting and next month’s Apec...

IRENA on the Front Line of the Battle to Limit Climate Change

It was billed as a day of action. Parties without concrete, actionable plans and commitments stayed away from a meeting that the UN Secretary General and wider community believed could be the...

Climate Crisis Leaving 2 Million People a Week Needing Aid

A new report by the world’s largest humanitarian network warns that the number of people needing humanitarian assistance every year as a result of climate-related disasters could double by 2050.The Cost of...

IRENA and UN Climate Change Join Forces to Accelerate Renewables as Climate Solution

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and UN Climate Change (UNFCCC) are jointly ramping up efforts to fight climate change by promoting the widespread adoption and sustainable use of renewable energy. The...

Why Forest Elephant Extinction Will Make Climate Change Much Worse

Forest elephant extinction would exacerbate climate change. That’s according to a new study in Nature Geoscience which links feeding by elephants with an increase in the amount of carbon that forests are...

Greta Thunberg to Sail Across Atlantic for UN Climate Summits

Greta Thunberg is to sail across the Atlantic in a high-speed racing yacht next month to attend UN climate summits in the US and Chile as part of a sabbatical year the...

France Will Hike Air Fares to Fight Climate Change

A new 'eco tax' will raise money for less polluting modes of transportation. France announced on 9th July that it will introduce an 'eco tax' on all flights originating within the country. The amount...

Canada Declares Climate Emergency, then Approves Pipeline Expansion

Trudeau doesn't seem to understand what 'climate emergency' means. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is riding a rollercoaster of public opinion these days. Many Canadians were pleased with the House of Commons' declaration...

Governments and Firms in 28 Countries Sued over Climate Crisis – Report

Climate action lawsuits against governments and corporations have spread across 28 countries, according to a new analysis. The study reveals that more than 1,300 legal actions concerning climate change have been brought since...

AD Climate Summit: IRENA Urges for More Climate Ambition Through Renewables

IRENA presents renewable energy roadmap to address climate change and deliver jobs, economic growth and sustainable development at high-level UN Climate Meeting. The tools required to meet the decarbonisation goals of the Paris...



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