Search results for:biodiversity loss

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Water, Our Ally in Adapting to Climate Change in the Western Balkans

In times of crisis, such as the one we are facing right now due to COVID-19, proper hygiene and access to clean water are crucial. Just as important is a set of measures...

Three Ways Drones Help Us Better Manage Our Land and Protect Our Planet

In the last couple of years, we’ve seen the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) – or drones, as most people know them – really take off. From enhancing video coverage of...

Fao Calls for Stepping up Forest and Landscape Restoration

Efforts to restore the world's degraded forests and landscapes must be scaled up to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, said FAO in a new publication released today. Land and forest...

New Strains of Rice Could Address Climate Change

Rice is a staple for more than 3.5 billion people, including most of the world’s poor. But it can be a problematic crop to farm. It requires massive amounts of water and...

Humans Destroyed an Ecosystem the Size of Mexico in just 13 years

Between 2000 and 2013, Earth lost an area of undisturbed ecosystems roughly the size of Mexico. That's the mind-melting finding of a new study published in One Earth and the researchers say it...

Oil Spill in Mauritius Calls for More Efforts to Safeguard Coral Reef Ecosystems

On July 25, 2020, a Japanese cargo ship struck a reef on the southeast coast of Mauritius, leaking tons of oil into coral reefs, pristine turquoise water lagoons and unique ecosystems of...

The African Country That Inspired More and More Countries to Plant Billions of Trees

In the past 50 years, Ethiopia has lost 98% of its forested areas. To mediate this, it planted an estimated 350 million trees in just a single day in 2019. Their...

Coral Reefs Are ‘Glowing’ in a Desperate Bid to Survive Warmer Seas

A global study has revealed exactly why corals glow during ocean heatwaves: to try and survive. The research by the University of Southampton’s Coral Reef Laboratory shows that some corals exhibit a dazzling...

Honey Bees Feel Sting of Viral Disease

There’s nothing new in nature. Viruses have been around for as long as plants and animals, if not longer. Most viruses are benign to humans and other animals and in fact are...

Harnessing Tech to Employ Last-Mile Tree Planters in a COVID-19 World

The year 2020 started with such optimism and hope for nature-based solutions and environmental sustainability.Environmental, social and governance investments were high on the agenda at Davos; the World Economic Forum launched the 1...

Pakistan’s ‘Green Stimulus’ Scheme Is a Win-Win for the Environment and the Unemployed

Pakistan's government are offering labourers, who are out of work due to the coronavirus lockdown, a chance to earn money by planting trees. The project is part of Pakistan's existing initiative...

Why Earth Day 2020 Is More Important Than Ever?

22 April is Earth Day. While the coronavirus (COVID-19) has been spreading around the world and dominating news headlines, thoughts and attention, the need to take climate action has remained as urgent...

Europe’s Environmental Footprints Exceed Several Safe Limits

Global sustainability challenges increasingly raise concerns about the stability of the Earth system that supports all life on our planet. A joint study by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Swiss...

Virus Which Causes COVID-19 Threatens Great Ape Conservation

Both great ape research and tourism have allowed people to learn about chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans, and to observe them from a close proximity. Great ape tourism also serves as an...

Three Ways the United Nations Environment Programme Works to Address Illegal Trade in Wildlife

The world is dealing with unprecedented threats to wildlife. The loss of habitat from farming, mining and new urban developments has dramatically decreased the natural space for wildlife. Add to that the...

Governments, Smart Data and Wildfires: Where Are We At?

The ongoing bushfires in Australia have focused media attention on wildfires more generally and their link to biodiversity and habitat loss, as well as global heating. We take a look at the some...



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