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100 MW Solar Plant to be Put Into Operation Near Samarkand

The government of Uzbekistan’s plans to develop 8 GW of solar and wind capacity by 2030 have received a major boost following the approval of an EUR 87.4 million financing package jointly...

Global Assessment: Urgent Steps Must be Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions this Decade

A Global Methane Assessment released today by the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) shows that human-caused methane emissions can be reduced by up to...

Global Electric Car Sales Set for Further Strong Growth After 40 percent Rise in 2020

New IEA report sees major expansion in electric vehicle adoption this decade, which could accelerate further if governments implement policies aimed at reaching net zero goals. The global auto industry suffered a punishing...

Winning Combination in Cyprus

The sunniest country in this part of the world, with only a couple of dozen cloudy days throughout a year, is situated at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa. Its beauty,...

Plastic is a climate, health and social justice issue

Companies like Coke, Pepsi and Nestle rely on single-use plastic, which is not only polluting the entire planet with waste, but helping to prop up the oil and gas sector and fueling climate...

UNEP and Google Partner to Hunt for Plastic Pollution With Machine Learning

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) today announced that it is working to fight plastic pollution using citizen science and machine learning, with technical advisory support from Google. With Google’s support, UNEP will...

Five Milestones in Green Energy

Energy accounts for two-thirds of total greenhouse gas, so embracing cleaner sources is key to fighting climate change.And while the energy transition still has a way to go, renewable energy is nonetheless on...

What Does the World Gain When We Protect Tigers?

Tigers are one of the world’s most recognized animals. Throughout history they can be seen in cultural traditions across Asia, as well as in brand images and logos the world over. But...

EBRD Will Help Kazakhstan Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2060

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Kazakhstan have agreed to develop a long-term cooperation strategy to achieve carbon neutrality of the country’s power sector by 2060. The accord will...

How to Value and Preserve Water

Thinking big to protect the world’s biggest natural capital asset Water, the source of life - celebrated on World Water Day  – is under pressure from climate change. With some regions becoming drier...

How Renewables Offer New Solutions for District Heating and Cooling

Innovation in technology, digitalisation and building efficiency are opening the heating sector to low-temperature renewables according to IRENA report. Heating is the largest end user of energy, accounting for over 50 percent of...

New Study Shows Socio-Economic Benefits of Weather Observations

Behind every weather forecast, every early warning of life-threatening hazards, and every long-term climate change projection are observational data. A new report published by the World Bank, produced in collaboration with the World...

Four Ways To Improve Trade Rules and Support Climate Action

There is a myth that trade policy and climate action are inherently at odds. That does not have to be the case. Trade can, and should, be a driver of sustainable innovation,...

ABB Recognized as a Globally Leading Innovative Corporation

Clarivate Top 100 Global Innovator lists ABB for the fifth time in ten years as top global innovation leader. ABB has been named one of the world’s most innovative companies 2021 by Clarivate,...

Pacific Islands Unite Around Enhanced Renewables Ambition Under Climate Goals

In a year of critical action on climate mitigation and adaptation, Pacific Island governments have reinforced their commitment to energy transition action and strengthened sustainable energy goals within updated nationally determined contributions...

Why Countries Are Desperate To Defy the Odds and Access Mars

Getting there takes seven months, and landing on a surface where the average temperature is about -60°C involves “seven minutes of terror.”Who could resist?Despite the obstacles, active exploration of Mars has ramped up of late –...



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