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Solar Energy Brings A Ray Of Hope To Salt Farmers In Gujarat

A vast majority of India's salt comes from Gujarat's Little Rann of Kutch desert. Here, about 43,000 salt farmers, mostly women, work in brutal heat to produce salt from briny tidal water....

Households to Dump 235 Million Tonnes of Clothing in Landfill this Spring

Hundreds of millions of tonnes of clothing is set to be dumped in landfill this spring by UK consumers unaware that much of it can be reused or recycled, according to new...

Deputy Secretary-General, at General Assembly Event on World Wildlife Day

Following are UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed’s remarks at the General Assembly event on World Wildlife Day, in New York on Friday: I am pleased to be with you for this fourth observance...

EBRD Finances Krumovgrad Gold-Silver Mine in Bulgaria

EBRD to become shareholder in Canadian investor Dundee Precious Metals to promote highest industry standards. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is investing C$ 43.7 million (approximately US$ 32.7 million...

Roxann Laird is the Power-Gen 2016 Woman of the Year

On Tuesday during the Power Generation Week keynote session, Southern Company’s Roxann Laird was named the 2016 Power-Gen Woman of the Year. The other two finalists for the award were Sheri Blauweikel...

USAID Announces $4 Million to Solar Start-ups for African Off-Grid Energy

At the 22nd session of the UN Climate conference (COP 22), Power Africa Coordinator Andrew M. Herscowitz announced $4 million in new investments to eight companies that are revolutionizing household solar power...

Cameroon: $100 Million to Boost Livestock Sector for Improved Productivity and Climate Change Resilience

The World Bank Board of Executive Director approved today $100 million to help Cameroon improve the productivity and competitiveness of targeted livestock production systems in the country over the next six years. The...

Elon Musk’s Magnificent Seven: How Dream Deal May Test Boardroom

Elon Musk has brushed off doubts about his plan to marry Tesla Motors Inc. and SolarCity Corp. with reassurances the idea is sound, including that his board is unanimously behind him. That’s hardly...

Coffee Producers in Costa Rica Use Science to Tackle Climate Change

The report “A Brewing Storm”, released on Aug. 29 by the Climate Institute of Australia, warned that the main coffee producing countries will face difficulties such as the proliferation of plant diseases...

Winners of 2016 UNESCO Prize for Sustainability Education Come from Cameroon, Japan and the United Kingdom

The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, has named the three laureates of the 2016 UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): the Centre for Community Regeneration and Development (CCREAD-Cameroon) from Cameroon;...

Toxic Air Pollution Particles Found in Human Brains

Toxic nanoparticles from air pollution have been discovered in human brains in “abundant” quantities, a newly published study reveals. The detection of the particles, in brain tissue from 37 people, raises concerns because...

Indigenous Peoples Central to Efforts to Combat Climate Change

Governments must do much more to provide the enabling conditions required for indigenous peoples, local communities, smallholders and their organizations to restore degraded landscapes and achieve climate change mitigation and adaptation in...

More than 8 Million People Were Employed Worldwide in the Renewable Sector

A boom in solar and wind power jobs in the US led the way to a global increase in renewable energy employment to more than 8 million people in 2015, according to...

Renewable Energy in Eastern Ukraine: For the children of the Town of Bryanka, the answer was blowing in the wind

Power outages are common in rural areas of Eastern Ukraine partly due to the worn out power lines infrastructure and also because of harsh weather conditions in the winter and autumn. For...

Solar Power Boosts Food Production & Fights Poverty

We all know that solar power offers myriad health and environmental benefits over traditional energy sources — including reduced emissions and improved air quality — but the social benefits it offers are...

The weird, secret history of the electric car and why it disappeared

Ferdinand Porsche might have founded his famous car company in 1948, but he designed his very first car all the way back in 1898, when he was just 22 years old. Officially the...



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