Search results for:the energy crisis

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Key Enablers to Triple Renewables by 2030: Policy and Regulations

The UAE Consensus agreed at COP28 to triple global renewable energy capacity and double energy efficiency gains by 2030 requires countries to overcome structural barriers impeding the energy transitions progress. The World...

First-Ever Global Renewables Summit Announced to Drive Action to Triple Renewable Power by 2030

The Global Renewables Alliance (GRA) and Bloomberg Philanthropies, in partnership with the governments of Barbados and Kenya, the European Commission, the COP28 and COP29 Presidencies, the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International...

Global Solar Installations Almost Double in 2023 But Leaves Emerging Economies in the Dark

2023’s new solar installations would cover more than half of India’s annual electricity needs or more than Brazil’s entire consumption. Compared to Europe, the annual installations would exceed the total yearly electricity...

EU and SDGs: How has the EU Performed?

Eurostat released the publication ‘Sustainable development in the European Union - monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context - 2024 edition’. This publication provides readers with a statistical...

Do You Know What a Digital Carbon Footprint is and How to Reduce It?

Clicking, liking, sharing, scrolling – the Internet has given us the world in the palm of our hands and practically “infected” us with these online activities that most of us cannot imagine...

UNESCO Launches New Initiatives for “Greening Education”

On World Environment Day, UNESCO unveils new tools for greening schools and curricula, highlighting the need to empower young people to play a concrete role in tackling the climate crisis. Greening schools and...

Smart Living ABB-Style

In today’s age, when the prices of energy products and electricity have reached their highest historical values, smart houses, apartments, and business premises are presented as an effective solution for bridging the...

Global Temperature Record Streak Continues in April

It was the warmest April on record – the eleventh month in a row of record global temperatures, according to Europe’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). Sea surface temperatures have been record...

It’s not all so Colourless – How is North Korea Fighting Climate Change

Time in North Korea seems to stand still. At least that's how it seems to the rest of the world, which cannot come to terms with the fact that in the 21st...

Bioclimatic Architecture as the Basis of Sustainable Construction

If you were to ask me whether bioclimatic architecture is the basis of sustainable construction, I would answer with a resounding “yes“. Bioclimatic architecture does not represent any style or direction in...

How Can We Have a More Sustainable Construction Sector?

The construction sector in Serbia is among the strongest economic branches in terms of volume and has been recording significant growth in real estate development. According to global statistics, the construction sector...

The 15-Minute-City Concept for More Sustainable Urban Living in Serbia

Climate change is a challenge that needs to be approached comprehensively, which also implies solving the problem of urban living as an important link. Although based on a not-so-recent idea, the so-called...

Is the ‘G’ Element in the ESG Concept Unjustifiably Neglected?

When analyzing individual ESG elements, the ‘G’ element is often overlooked due to the emphasis on climate risks, social implications and other ‘E’ and ‘S’ factors. In light of the growing recognition...

Earth Day: What is it, When is it and Why is it Important?

Earth Day is an international day devoted to our planet. It draws attention to the environment and promotes conservation and sustainability. Each year on 22 April, around one billion people around the world...

Oil Demand Growing at a Slower Pace as Post-Covid Rebound Runs its Course

Global oil demand growoilth is currently in the midst of a slowdown and is expected to ease to 1.2 million barrels a day (mb/d) this year and 1.1 mb/d in 2025 –...

Social Networks from a Different Eco-Angle

Countless novelties are met with not-so-good opinions. An effective example of this is social networks where people post inappropriate and hateful words, accompanied by unpleasant visual covers, which worryingly leads us to...



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