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Study Finds New Reason to Ban Plastic: It Emits Methane in the Sun

The proliferation of plastic pollution has led to concerns over its impact on marine life and human health as the toxins it absorbs and emits move up the food chain. Now, a...

‘Extinct’ San Quintín Kangaroo Rat Still Exists

At dusk, San Diego Natural History Museum mammalogist Scott Tremor set up a few live traps in some abandoned agricultural fields in Baja California, Mexico. With Sula Vanderplank, a botanist and research...

Vladan Vasic, the Mayor of Pirot: The Citizens of Pirot are Proud of their City

Vladan Vasic was elected three times as the President of the Municipality of Pirot, and after the elections in 2016, he became the first Mayor since Pirot was granted the city status,...

If Anything, Sludge Is a Resource

On our path to the European Union, we are bound to adopt a number of laws, among which are regulations related to the treatment of all wastewater and wastewater sludge. Despite the...

Next Week Belgrade Will Become Host to Experts for Renewable Energy Developement and Environment

RENEXPO® WATER & ENERGY, the largest international trade fair and conference program in the region about sustainable energy development, energy efficiency, environmental protection, water management and waste and e-mobility, will be held...

Vojin Djordjevic: Preciousness of Unprocessed Water

When VODAVODA first appeared on our market in 2004, in just three months, it won millions of consumers and a third of the domestic market of bottled water. The water factory stopped...

Thomas LUBECK, IFC: Tailwinds to the Financial Market

International Finance Corporation - IFC, one of the five members of the World Bank Group, is the world's largest institution that encourages economic development by investing in the private sector in emerging...

Robert Nygard: Serbia Has Capacity for Managing New Investments in Ecology

Swedish government agency for international development and cooperation - SIDA was founded with a mission to help reducing poverty in the world and to distribute humanitarian aid to people in the conflict...

Southeast Europe: EE & RE and Smart Cities Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria

EE & RE and Smart Cities will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria from 27 to 29 March 2018. The event is the only one in Bulgaria in 'еxhibition and conference' format in...

District Heating Warms Cities Without Fossil Fuels

Heating homes and offices without adding to the dangers of climate change is a major challenge for many cities, but re-imagined district heating is now offering an answer. A district heating scheme is...

How the World’s First Floating City Could Restore the Environment

The world got a little closer to the first floating city when the Seasteading Institute signed a memorandum of understanding with the French Polynesian government earlier this year. Not only could floating...

California Poised to Hit 50% Renewable Target a Full Decade Ahead of Schedule

Every year, the California Energy Commission releases its Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) report, which gives details about the mix of energy experienced by all utilities within the state during the preceding 12...

Delhi Air Pollution Forces Public Health Emergency as Chief Minister Compares City to a ‘Gas Chamber’

Suffocating smog forced the Indian capital of New Delhi, a city of more than 21 million people, to declare a public health emergency on Tuesday. As a thick grey haze settled on the...

India’s Essel Infra To Sell 685 Megawatts Of Solar Power Assets

Another Indian company which has a substantial renewable energy portfolio is looking to sell off its solar power assets. Essel Infraprojects, part of the Essel Group, is looking for buyers for its 685...

JAN LUNDIN: Substantial Level of Economic Development is the Key to Greater Ecomobility

The Kingdom of Sweden has built up a great reputation in the world as a country that pays considerable attention to the preservation of the environment. Innovative and quality solutions for environmental...

Norway’s Arctic Oil & Gas Exploration Plans Stand In The Way Of Achieving Paris Climate Goals, Report Argues

While Norway has something of a reputation internationally as being “progressive” and “green,” the country’s well fed economy and society is largely the result of a highly productive fossil fuel extraction industry. In...



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