Search results for:Hydropower

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Pellet Breaks New Paths!

The limitation and harmfulness of fossil fuels in energy production lead humanity towards finding and exploiting alternatives to these dirty energy sources at higher level. Windmills are springing up across our planet,...

Siemens Gamesa to Lead an EU-Funded Project to Cut Offshore Wind Costs

The project will receive around €20 million (£18m) in support over its five-year duration. Alongside Aalborg University, Siemens Gamesa will lead an EU-funded research and development project to make offshore wind more affordable. The Integrated Implementation...

A Country with the Best Attitude Towards the Natural Environment

With its unspoilt nature, clean lakes and rivers, Switzerland has had a healthy advantage for reaching the highest position in a category concerning ecology. What nature has unselfishly given to this country,...

Global Report Highlights Australia’s Renewables Potential Amid Mixed Signals for Coal

Australia singled out for possible hydrogen boom, but also forecast to increase coal production. Australia is singled out as a country with strong potential for new hydrogen production facilities in the latest World Energy...

UK Renewable Energy Capacity Surpasses Fossil Fuels for First Time

Renewable capacity has tripled in past five years, even faster growth than the ‘dash for gas’ of the 1990s.The capacity of renewable energy has overtaken that of fossil fuels in the UK...

6 Things You Can Do to Avoid Climate Catastrophe

We've already warmed the world about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times—with disastrous effects. Sea levels are rising, coral reefs are dying, species are going extinct and extreme weather...

Hydro and Fossil Fuels Powering Sub-Saharan Africa’s Electricity Growth

They were the top sources of growth between 2005 and 2015. Hydropower and fossil fuel generation have been powering the electricity growth in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Latest figures from the US Energy Information Administration...

Valuable Wetlands Are Disappearing 3 Times Faster Than Forests, New Study Warns

Wetlands around the world are disappearing at an alarming rate. New research shows that these valuable ecosystems are vanishing at a rate three times that of forests. Unless significant changes are made,...

Renewables Powered 88% of Brazil in June

Renewable energy generated 88% of Brazil’s entire demand in June. Clean power sources such as wind, biomass, solar and hydro accounted for 81.9% of Brazil’s installed capacity of energy generation at the time,...

KLADOVO – the Green Municipality

Kladovo municipality is one of the four municipalities in the Bor district, with enormous cultural and historical heritage and natural resources. Kladovo has used its potential to attract tourists and investors in...

Major Coal-Fired Power Plant in Washington to Go Solar

It was once Washington state's largest coal pit, a terraced, open-to-the-sky strip mine, five miles from the city of Centralia and halfway between Seattle and Portland, Oregon. Today, the coal beds are...

2017 Was a Record Breaking Year for Renewables, But More Needs to Be Done

2017 broke the record for increased renewable energy capacity, Reuters reported Sunday. But it still isn't enough to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in line with the goals of the Paris agreement.These are...

Vladan Vasic, the Mayor of Pirot: The Citizens of Pirot are Proud of their City

Vladan Vasic was elected three times as the President of the Municipality of Pirot, and after the elections in 2016, he became the first Mayor since Pirot was granted the city status,...

Zeleni and Obilicev venac

Two important landmarks of the Serbian capital are becoming truly greener.It is expected in the future that the first green building rises on the site of the former Beobank building at Zeleni...

Arne Sannes Bjørnstad, The Ambassador of Norway: It is Important to Maintain the Resources We Have

It is known that the Kingdom of Norway belongs to the group of biggest polluters per capita, which is an inglorious record, that is credited to another title – this Scandinavian country is...

In Energy Breakthrough, India Added More Renewable Than Fossil Fuel Capacity for the First Time Last Year

India added more energy capacity from renewable energy sources last year than from conventional sources like coal for the first time, an important breakthrough for a country that struggles with high greenhouse...



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