With the support of the European Union, and in partnership with the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), and the European Investment Bank (EIB), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Serbia announced today the Challenge for Innovative Solutions in the field of Circular Economy.
The aim of this challenge is to support the implementation of innovative ideas that will contribute to more efficient use of resources, as well as to the reduction and reuse of waste in production processes. The application of these ideas in practice will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, GHG, which will accelerate the green transformation of the economy and society, i.e., the implementation of the Green Agenda in Serbia.
Twenty of the best solutions submitted to the call will be selected to receive mentoring and technical support, while co-financing will be provided for the top five, so that these ideas may be applied in practice.
Local self-governments, public utility companies, and companies from the private sector may apply to the Open Call to participate in this challenge until April 29, 2022.
Applicants representing the public sector may propose innovative business models, technologies, and digital solutions that will contribute to the efficient use of resources through the use and recycling of non-hazardous waste, especially biodegradable waste, including sludge.
Applicants from the private sector, especially those representing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the hospitality and waste management sector, as well as those involving agricultural holdings, are invited to propose ideas for industrial symbiosis, e.g., establishing partnerships that would enable a company’s waste or by-product(s) to be used as a resource by another company. SMEs are also invited to propose solutions for the treatment of different types of waste, including bio-waste, construction waste, plastics, paper, metals, and glass.
For all interested applicants, info days will be organized on March 30, April 5, and April 15, 2022. More details on the conditions of participation in the challenge and how to apply are available on the website: www.zelena-agenda.euzatebe.rs.
The public call has been published within the “EU for the Green Agenda in Serbia” project, which, with the financial support of the European Union and in partnership with the Ministry of the Environment, is implemented by UNDP in cooperation with the Embassy of Sweden and the EIB.
Source: UNDP Serbia