OPEC Secretary General Congratulates El-Badri on Platts Award

barkindo-with-el-badri-250x188_rdax_250x188OPEC Secretary General, HE Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, has congratulated former OPEC Secretary General, HE Abdalla Salem El-Badri, on recently been honoured at the Platts Global Energy Awards in the ‘Lifetime Achievement’ category.

The Secretary General said that El-Badri is an extremely deserving winner of the Award after a long and successful oil industry career in both his home country of Libya and with OPEC. He said El-Badri is an icon of the global oil industry, and at the same time a humble man of great integrity that is respected round the world.

He added: “His leadership and diplomacy skills have helped navigate OPEC through some challenging and uncertain times. He has been able to use his charisma and charm to bring people together. And he has been able to broker solutions, when there has been discord.”

The Platts ‘Lifetime Achievement’ Award recognizes the achievements of individuals who have won widespread recognition and respect on the global stage, through outstanding contributions to the development of the energy industry in the course of their careers.

In bestowing the honour on El-Badri at a ceremony at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City, the judges applauded him as the epitome of a ‘Lifetime Achievement’ Award winner. They added that he was a “great diplomat” who “opened doors in a difficult region” and, in his more than 50-year career he is an individual that “has had a major impact on the oil industry.”

El-Badri began his oil industry career with Esso Standard back in 1965, and in Libya he was subsequently Chairman of the Libyan National Oil Company (NOC), the country’s Minister of Petroleum, its Minister of Energy, Oil and Electricity and its Deputy Prime Minister. His relationship with OPEC stretches back to his time as Libya’s Minister of Petroleum in the 1990s. He has represented the Organization as President of the Conference, and of course, for nine and a half years as its Secretary General, the longest in the history of OPEC.

Source: opec.org

