New York has now become the fourth US state to introduce energy storage targets and mandates through its state legislature after Governor Andrew Cuomo approved a bill to develop an Energy Storage Deployment Program and to implement an energy storage procurement target for 2030.
First tabled back in March, Assembly Bill A6571 — Establishing the energy storage deployment program — seeks to not only support energy storage development but to also implement an energy storage target by 2030. The bill now directs the New York Public Service Commission (NYPSC) to establish an Energy Storage Deployment Program “to encourage the installation of qualified energy storage systems.” Further, no later than January 1, 2018, “the Commission shall make a determination establishing a target for the installation of qualified energy storage systems to be achieved through 2030 and programs that will enable the State to meet such target.”
“Energy storage technologies serve a critical role in promoting a clean energy economy,” Governor Cuomo wrote in his approval statement of Bill A6571 (PDF). “Not only will energy storage technologies relieve pressure on existing transmission and grid infrastructure, but they will enhance the development and uptake of renewable energy and create new “green” jobs.”
The news was unsurprisingly met with approval by the US energy storage industry.
“It’s a great day for energy storage in New York,” said Kelly Speakes-Backman, CEO of the Energy Storage Association.
“We applaud Governor Cuomo, Assemblywoman Paulin, and Senator Griffo for their leadership on energy storage and their historic decision to pass and enact Assembly Bill 6571. By signing the bill into law, the Governor joined the unanimous opinion of the legislature that a long-term commitment to deploy energy storage is critical to a more reliable and resilient, affordable, and sustainable electric system for New Yorkers.
“That long-term commitment, moreover, sends a strong signal to the rapidly growing U.S. energy storage industry to invest and hire New York. Energy Storage Association members look forward to working with the Public Service Commission to determine an appropriate target for energy storage deployment in New York by 2030, as well as supporting NYSERDA [New York State Energy Research and Development Authority] and LIPA [Long Island Power Authority] in administering innovative programs to meet that target.”
“Under Governor Cuomo’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) strategy, New York has committed to accelerating the clean energy transition with promising technologies like energy storage by leveraging private investment through initiatives that maximize benefits and decrease ratepayer costs,” said a NYSERDA Spokesperson. “The bill as revised will remove the directive to establish an explicit deployment program with predetermined annual expenditures and instead direct the Public Service Commission to undertake a process to determine by December 31, 2018 the appropriate suite of policies that will help drive towards a long-term energy storage deployment goal. This process will be informed by NYSERDA’s forthcoming energy storage roadmap, which is already underway, and will look to market participants to consider mechanisms that will maximize the benefits of energy storage for New Yorkers consistent with the principles of REV.”