M&M’s Launches Fans Of Wind Energy Campaign To Inform Consumers About Renewable Energy

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

One of the world’s favorite candy companies, M&M’s, has launched a new campaign called Fans of Wind energy in an effort to inform consumers of the value of renewable energy and its importance in counteracting climate change.

“People sure do love M&M’s,” says the company on the front page of its new Fans of Wind campaign page. “That’s why we make a ton of ‘em. But we’re not just about making treats that everyone loves — we want to make them in a way that is sustainable and treats the planet better. Guess that’s what makes us such big fans of renewable wind energy.”

This isn’t the company’s first foray into the renewable energy sector, either. In 2014 the Mars company was the first US member of the RE100 business campaign, run by The Climate Group and CDP. The company committed to using 100% renewable electricity at all its sites worldwide and a zero net greenhouse gas emissions target by 2040, with an interim target of 25% carbon emission reduction by 2015.

Further, the company already partners with two wind farms, the Mesquite Creek Wind Farm in Lamesa, Texas — which provides 100% of the electricity needs of Mars’ US operations, and the Moy Wind Farm in Scotland — which provides 100% of Mars’ entire UK operations.

The new Fans of Wind energy campaign is being launched to increase awareness of the urgency of climate change, as well as the importance of it being a communal and corporate effort to combat climate change.

“We have the power to act now to prevent further climate change,” said Berta de Pablos-Barbier, President of Mars Wrigley Confectionery US. “None of us will thrive without a healthy planet.

Through the new Sustainable in a Generation Plan and our M&M’S campaign we are committed to doing our part. We are using our unique position as one of the world’s largest privately held, family-owned businesses, plus the power of our iconic brands like M&M’S, to do good for our consumers and for the planet.”

“One M&M’S candy on its own can seem small, but we know our brand can have a big impact on the world by doing what’s right to combat climate change,” de Pablos-Barbier continued. “Thanks to the love consumers have for the brand, we’re hoping to make a bigger impact. Each of our consumers has the power to take small steps to increase their use of renewable energy to make big strides in ensuring the future health of our planet.”

Source: cleantechnica.com

