Microbes in Action: Nature’s Fighters Against Air Pollution

Imagine this: trillions of microbes are constantly working to remove toxic gases from the air, and we are completely unaware of it.

Scientists from Monash University in Melbourne have discovered that microbes use an enzyme called CO dehydrogenase to consume carbon monoxide (CO) and use it for their survival. This deadly gas, which is released into the atmosphere in quantities exceeding two billion tons each year, is partially neutralized thanks to microbes, which consume around 250 million tons annually. In doing so, they not only sustain themselves but also help reduce pollution and, consequently, global warming.

„This enzyme is used by trillions of microbes in soil and water. They consume carbon monoxide for their survival, but in the process, they unintentionally help us,” explains Ashleigh Kropp, co-author of the study.

On the other hand, the lead author of the study, Dr. David Gillett, emphasizes that this is a fantastic example of microbial ingenuity—how life has found a way to turn something toxic into something useful.

„These microbes help clean our atmosphere”, says Dr. Gillett. „Their activity counteracts air pollution, which claims millions of lives every year, while also reducing global warming, as carbon monoxide is indirectly a greenhouse gas.”

Although it is unlikely that this discovery will be directly utilized to combat CO emissions, it deepens our understanding of atmospheric processes and allows us to better predict how the planet will respond to future changes.

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

Reflecting on this discovery, I realized how little we actually know about microbes and their role in our ecosystem. Carbon monoxide is a highly dangerous gas produced by the combustion of fossil fuels, wildfires, and volcanic eruptions. It is colorless and odorless, but it binds to hemoglobin in the blood more quickly than oxygen, which can lead to serious poisoning or even death. However, microbes have developed a way to use it as an energy source, helping to maintain the chemical balance of the atmosphere.

Although we often associate microbes with invisible organisms that cause numerous diseases, they are actually the foundation of life on Earth! Did you know that they produce half of the oxygen we breathe? Yes, microorganisms in the oceans, such as cyanobacteria, are responsible for a significant portion of the oxygen on our planet. Moreover, they play a key role in waste decomposition, nutrient recycling, and even in the fermentation process of the food we consume daily.

Thanks to researchers like those in Melbourne, we are beginning to understand just how crucial microbes are to our planet. While we cannot directly harness their ability to break down carbon monoxide to solve pollution problems, this knowledge can help in modeling future ecological strategies. Imagine a world where we could stimulate certain microbes to more efficiently remove pollutants from the atmosphere!

Milena Maglovski

