Majority of Londoners Prefer Electric Taxis to Diesel Models

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

The majority of Londoners say they would choose to get into an electric taxi over a traditional diesel model.

That’s according to new research from ESB EV Solutions, which found 50% of the public would actively choose to ride in an electric vehicle (EV), with only 14% opting for a combustion engine car.

To provide the infrastructure needed to support surging growth in EV use, ESB has installed 32 rapid chargers in locations across London, with plans to grow the network in the coming months.

It hopes this investment will encourage and normalise EV use through the city, while helping to cut carbon emissions and improve London’s air quality.

Gareth Davis, Head of EV Solutions at ESB, said: “We are investing to roll out rapid EV charging infrastructure in London and our research shows that Londoners are clearly embracing the introduction of electric taxis in an attempt to consciously reduce emissions.

“We are proud to bring our expertise and knowledge in developing charge point networks to this initiative and in doing so help improve London’s air quality through the electrification of transport.”

Source: Energy Live News

