The holidays are approaching, and this is the right moment to summarize the year that is coming to an end. It was very important and special for us. In addition to actively participating in numerous conferences on renewable energy sources, we celebrated the first decade of the Energy Portal.
In front of you is an issue with several articles that explain ESG principles more clearly. The Ambassador of the Slovak Republic in Serbia, H.E. Fedor Rosocha, talks about how they face challenges in environmental protection, how much energy they produce from renewable energy sources and how they reduce their carbon footprint while preserving biodiversity.
We talked with the mayor of Trebinje, Mirko Ćurić, about improving energy efficiency in this city, plans for the future and how they plan to improve envi- ronmental protection.
Pay special attention to the section OPINION and Professor Slobodan Aćimović, PhD, who explains in detail ESG principles and how to achieve sustainable business.
There are also our reports from the conferences we visited – Ecomondo in Italy delighted us like last year, and the International Energy Fair held in Belgrade brought us a lot of new knowledge and information.
As always, there are inspiring stories from the People and Challenges section. Find out how social networks can change the world and how an ordinary yard was transformed into an Ecological Embassy.
I hope I have managed to interest you and that you will read the new issue of the Magazine with the same enthusiasm we put in when writing it.