Dear readers,
You may be burdened with doubts sometimes, maybe even hopelessness, so you wonder where this world is going. War, energy, financial crisis, numerous cruelties to which a man is unfortunately prone, again and again. Especially when a man measures the world exclusively by his own needs. The media is bombing us with terrifying news from the world, although the domestic news is not at all optimistic. All this only convinces us even more of the hopelessness of the position we find ourselves in…
I admit that this often happens to me, too, especially lately. Then all the tales seem idle to me, and even newspaper articles that could perhaps have a positive or at least refreshing effect did not reach me at the right time. Although I cannot predict in what mood you will take this new Magazine issue into your hands, I still hope you will give our texts a chance. I have no better reason than this: despite everything, there are bright examples in our country. Numerous people, organizations and companies are trying to bring the spirit of change by fighting for a better future for all of us. And you know how difficult it is to make progress no matter what you do.
That’s why I invite you to let our stories cheer you up, learn something, and help someone. For example, the next time you want to get rid of a piece of furniture, textiles, or an outdated electrical device, contact the Take away humanitarian service, which will deliver your excess items to a poor group of people who would benefit from them. You will find information on scheduling this free service in the text Take me away. Maybe there is a dormant organic food grower inside you, waiting for the right moment to awaken an ancient desire.
In that case, the example of Pavle Đorđević’s life path will be of great use to you. You will find inspiration in the text about him and his garden under the title Love at first sight – Organela. I offered you a sneak peek at the new issue of the Magazine, and everything else is up to you. And numerous stories await you about campaigns such as “Save food, save humanity”, the state of our energy sector, which is not hopeless according to the opinion of respected Professor Nikola Rajaković PhD, then a text about the Environmental Book, investments in solar power plants and Kragujevac, which was declared an eco-municipality in the energy efficiency category. Finally, I will use Professor Rajaković’s assessment and say that there is still light at the end of the tunnel.