The first issue dedicated to renewable energy sources (RES) appeared on our website precisely six years ago. At the time, we mostly wrote about the pioneers who built renewable power plants, our RES potential, and our capacity-building instruments to generate cleaner energy. Today, you have before you a new issue of the Magazine whose main topic is, again, RES.
However, everything else is entirely different. The current global situation and the energy crisis, the scale of which, as they warn us, we have not yet felt, have changed our way of thinking and approach to this burning topic, not only in our country but the whole world. The focus is on RES power plants, especially solar power plants, which was contributed by the change in the price of electricity in the economy, state subsidies for citizens, and grants provided by the EBRD through the GEFF program.
Unsurprisingly, an extra place was sought at the Conference on energy transition that Confindustria Serbia organized. You can read more about how the energy transition can improve the competitiveness of companies in this issue. We also attended the fourth conference, “Energy efficiency through the use of solar energy and biomass”, organized by the National Association for Biomass “SERBIO”, which, among other things, discussed solar power plants and how to become a prosumer. The energy crisis brings many challenges, and we have given a short retrospective of the “struggle” led by the Ministry of Mining and Energy for our country to preserve energy stability and even make progress in that regard.
Apart from the Government, banks are also trying to encourage investments in the RES sector with their offer. Alessandro Bragonzi, Head of the EIB’s regional office for the Western Balkans, talks about the bank’s plans for the region but also about what they are currently working on in Serbia. Francesco Corbo, Regional Head Energy Europe for Western Balkans and Croatia at EBRD, spoke for our Magazine about EBRD’s investments in Serbia, then funds that help with the transition to green energy and renewable energy projects. Speaking of the sun, the company MT-KOMEX, which recognized the importance of solar energy nine years ago and built the first solar power plant in Serbia in Kladovo, has positioned itself as a market leader. Their story, with a special emphasis on the benefits of building a solar power plant, as well as a text about the best panels for installation from the point of view of the renowned manufacturer Luxor Solar, can be found on the following pages.
Clearly, saving electricity is a priority. Milan Jevremović, Local Business Manager, Motion at ABB Serbia, presents an “Energy efficiency movement” that aims to turn energy efficiency into a global movement. And we must not forget the development of electromobility and charger networks for electric vehicles. You can find out where you can find chargers for e-powered vehicles in the article about charge&GO, which also offers chargers from the renowned company Schneider Electric. Finally, read about the “ecological airplane flight” of KLM, what active houses are, and how robots actively help in teaching.