Limited Progress of the EU Towards Environmental Goals

The assessment by the European Environment Agency (EEA) provides an overview of progress in achieving the objectives set within the 8th Environment Action Programme (EAP), which serves as the framework for the EU’s environmental policy until 2030. Progress is measured through 28 key indicators and targets, covering areas such as climate neutrality, resource efficiency, biodiversity restoration, and pollution reduction.

The report indicates that the EU is still not on track to achieve many of the set objectives, with progress remaining limited compared to the previous 2023 assessment. These findings highlight the urgent need for decisive action to ensure the consistent implementation of the European Green Deal policies and the achievement of goals by 2030. The progress evaluation system uses four ratings: on track, likely on track, likely off track, and off track.

Climate Change

In the area of climate change mitigation, two key targets were analyzed. The reduction of net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 55 percent by 2030, compared to 1990 levels, was assessed as likely on track. On the other hand, the goal of increasing net carbon removals through carbon sinks in the LULUCF sector (land use, land-use change, and forestry) to -310 million tons of CO₂ equivalent by 2030 was rated as off track, indicating an urgent need for measures to ensure its achievement.

In the area of climate change adaptation, both analyzed targets – reducing overall financial losses from weather and climate-related disasters and reducing the areas affected by drought and vegetation productivity loss – were assessed as likely off track.

Circular Economy and Waste Reduction

In the domain of a regenerative circular economy, both targets were also assessed as likely off track. This refers to the need for a significant reduction in the EU’s material footprint by decreasing the amount of raw materials required for production, as well as a significant reduction in overall waste generation by 2030.

Pollution and Environmental Quality

In the area of zero pollution and a toxic-free environment, assessments were mixed. While the goal of reducing premature mortality due to air pollution by 55 percent by 2030, compared to 2005 levels, was rated as on track, another target – reducing nutrient losses by at least 50 percent in safe groundwater reserves – was assessed as likely off track.


Biodiversity and Ecosystems

The biodiversity and ecosystems area includes four targets, all of which were rated as likely off track. The first two relate to the legal protection of at least 30 percent of the EU’s land and marine areas by 2030. The third target concerns halting the decline of common bird populations, while the fourth involves increasing the connectivity of forest ecosystems to create ecological corridors and enhance resilience to climate change.

Production and Consumption

The area of environmental and climate pressures linked to production and consumption recorded some of the poorest results. Out of five targets, three were assessed as likely off track, while two were considered off track. The targets assessed as off track include doubling the circular material use rate by 2030 compared to 2020 and increasing the share of organic farming to 25 percent of the EU’s total agricultural land by 2030.

Sustainable Lifestyles and Planetary Boundaries

In the area of living within planetary boundaries, out of six targets, three were assessed as likely off track – ensuring zero net land conversion by 2050, reducing water scarcity, and reducing ecological inequalities through a just transition. More positive results were recorded in two targets assessed as on track, which relate to increasing the share of the green economy and green jobs. However, the target of significantly reducing the EU’s consumption footprint was rated as off track.

Enabling Conditions

The final area concerns enabling conditions, where five targets were set, and this category received the best ratings compared to the other areas. The assessment shows that two targets are on track – increasing the level of eco-innovation as a driver of the green transition and increasing investments by households, businesses, and governments in preventing, reducing, and eliminating pollution and other forms of environmental degradation. The targets related to increasing the issuance of green bonds to stimulate public and private financing of green investments and increasing the share of environmental taxes in total tax and social contribution revenues were assessed as likely on track. The only target rated as likely off track was reducing environmentally harmful subsidies, particularly fossil fuel subsidies, with a recommendation for their prompt elimination.

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