Latest Map of Key EU Cross-Border Energy Infrastructure Projects Published

Photo: Pixabay

The European Commission has updated its transparency platform map viewer of ongoing and completed energy infrastructure projects – known as Projects of Common Interest (PCIs). The projects are designed to help complete the EU’s internal energy market and reach its policy objectives of affordable, secure and sustainable energy.

A total of 195 projects are on the current list. In 2014, €647 million was allocated from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme to 34 projects from the list including electricity and gas transmission lines, LNG terminals and electricity storage projects.

In 2015, CEF grants amounting €366 million were allocated to 35 infrastructure projects – of those, 20 were in the gas sector and 15 in electricity.

Last week, EU countries agreed to invest €263 million in key infrastructure projects, with the bulk of support going to gas infrastructure projects in Baltic countries and to the electricity sector across the EU.

The decision came under the first call for PCI proposals of 2016. A second call for PCI proposals is now open until 8 November 2016 and has an indicative value of €600 million.

PCI map viewer


