Extreme Heat in Southern Cities as a Consequence of Lack of Green Spaces
USA: Families Relocating Due to Pollution, but Healthier Areas Reserved Only for the Wealthy
Uppsala has cleanest city air in Europe
Can EU Mining Waste Regulations Address the Challenges of Increased Mining?
Cloud Seeding with Drones as a Response to Drought
Deep Underground Water Reservoir Discovered on Mars
EU: Citizens Can Now Seek Compensation from Polluters
Can Government Partnerships Support Responsible and Reliable Critical Mineral Supply Chains?
Local Resistance Against Lithium Mines – A Global Phenomenon
Latin America and the Caribbean Launch First Regional Eco-Labeling Programme
Key Enablers to Triple Renewables by 2030: Policy and Regulations
Sand and Dust Storms are More Intense and Frequent, Threatening Agriculture and Communities
Green steel can cut climate impact of car production for just €57 a vehicle
GEOS-U Satellite to Monitor Environmental Hazards
Financing the Energy Sector – The Debt-Equity Relationship