
India To Float Another Tender To Procure 10,000 Electric Cars

More details have emerged about the planned tenders for electric vehicles in India. Government-owned Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) has announced that it will procure 10,000 electric cars through a global tender to...

Scatec Solar Plans 800 Megawatt Solar Project In Bangladesh

Norwegian company Scatec Solar has reiterated plans to set up large-scale solar power projects, and shared details about the capacity and location of the project. Media reported earlier this month that Scatec Solar...

Pret Asks Customers: Should we Introduce Charge for Plastic Bottles?

Sandwich chain Pret A Manger is considering adding 10p to the cost of all its plastic bottles, which would be refunded if the bottles are returned for recycling, as part of its...

Reports: Fiat Chrysler to Stop Making Diesels from 2022

Fiat Chrysler will stop producing diesel passenger cars by 2022 after rising costs and slumping demand have combined to make rival technologies a more attractive bet. According to the Financial Times, the carmaker...

SunPower To Cut Estimated 200 Jobs & Incur $20+ Million Restructuring Costs In Wake Of Solar Tariffs

American solar manufacturer SunPower has announced restructuring plans in the wake of Donald Trump’s imposition of a 30% tariff on solar modules and cells following a Section 201 trade case that will...

Printed Organic Polymer Solar Cells Finally Getting Accessible & Affordable: Danish Startup Ready To Scale Up

Danish tech news magazine Ingeniøren reports today that 18 years of hard work has resulted in the startup infinityPV finally commercializing products with printed solar photovoltaic foil. I had heard about these...

Keeping Global Temperature Increase Below 1.5 Degrees Celsius Unlikely, Says IPCC Draft Report

Every September, the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change releases a report on global warming, but that report doesn’t take shape overnight. It is the result of nearly a year’s worth of work...

Latte Levy: Starbucks’ Five Pence Coffee Cup Charge Starts Today

People buying a hot drink in one of Starbuck's 35 London stores from today will have to pay an extra five pence for a takeaway cup, under a new trial designed to...

Government Accused of ‘Dragging its Feet’ on Plastic Waste

A committee of MPs today accused the government of "dragging its feet" on tackling the UK's mountain of plastic waste, again urging ministers to introduce a deposit return scheme for bottles and...

Solar Will Dominate New Electricity Generation In US By 2022, Yuri Horwitz States

Yuri Horwitz, co-founder and CEO of Sol Systems, says he and his company expect solar power to be the dominant form of new electricity generation by 2022. In a report dated February...

Paris Joins Other Police Forces By Adding Electric Cars To Its Fleet

16 new Volksvagen e-Golf sedans began patrolling the streets of Paris this past week. They are part of a one year experiment to determine the suitability of electric cars for the demands...

Eat Your Greens: Sustainable Restaurant Association Urges Chefs to Offer ‘One Planet Plate’

Chefs around the world are being urged to add one sustainable plate of food to their menus in an effort to encourage customers to think more carefully about the planetary impact of...

J-K Exploits Just 16% of Hydro-Power Potential Despite Growing Demand: Survey

Jammu and Kashmir has exploited only about 16 per cent of the estimated 20,000 MW of hydro-power potential even as the energy demand has been growing gradually creating a wider demand-supply gap,...

Germany Awards 900 Megawatts In Wind & Solar Tenders In Year’s First Auctions

Germany’s Federal Network Agency announced the winners this week from its first onshore wind and solar auctions for 2018, awarding more than 900 megawatts to over 100 separate projects. On Tuesday, the Bundesnetzagentur...

Task Force Echoes Foreign Minister’s Calls to Back Renewables Over Coal, Nuclear

An energy task force advising Japan's foreign minister has proposed boosting renewable energy and shifting away from coal-fired and nuclear power at home, arguing the country's energy policies are outdated and undermine...

PG&E Meets California’s 2020 Renewables Goal 3 Years Early

California utility Pacific Gas and Electric Co (PG&E), part of PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG), announced on Tuesday that it has achieved its home state’s 2020 renewable energy goal three years ahead of schedule. The...
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