Category:Waste Management

This Is What’s Happening With Single-Use Plastics Around the World

Canada will ban a range of single-use plastic products by the end of next year. The ban will focus on six items that are often found in the environment, are often not recycled...

Niš and Sombor recieve 600 glass recycling bins

Niš and Sombor will be the first cities to receive about 600 bins for collecting glass packaging, as a donation from NALED and German Development Aid, in order to improve the primary...

South Africa Aims to Stop Marine Litter at Its Source

The coast of South Africa’s Kwazulu-Natal province looks like it was pulled from a postcard, with wide, sandy beaches stretching for some 600 kilometres. International and local tourists flock here in normal...

Waste Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic: From Response to Recovery

The impact of COVID-19 is transforming the way we live, from one day to the next. While national and local interventions are largely focused on protecting lives and economies, the management of...

India’s Youth Take on Plastic Pollution

On the 30th June 2020, 1,900 young people joined together at the Virtual Youth Summit in India to celebrate their completion of the Tide Turners Plastic Challenge in India. The challenge is...

Social Enterprise Remakes Waste Into Consumer Goods

While working for the decades-old family fashion business, Sissi Chao had an experience that literally took her breath away.“Not long after I started, I started visiting our fabric suppliers,” said Chao. “I...

A Kenyan Entrepreneur Fights Deforestation With a New Energy Solution

When Leroy Mwasaru was in his teens, he noticed a major problem at his Kenyan boarding school. Ageing pipes were leaking sewage directly into a nearby stream, which was a source of...

Consumers and Business Concerned About Plastic Waste but Expect Governments to Do More

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Food Industry Asia (FIA) today released a regional survey of consumers and food and beverage businesses across South-East Asia that shows a significant disconnect between...

What to Do With Healthcare Waste?

Interview with Keith Alverson, Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) International Environmental Technology Centre in Osaka, Japan. The Centre has produced a Compendium of Technologies for Treatment/Destruction of Healthcare Waste,...

Robust Monitoring and Targets Are Key in Shifting Europe to a More Circular Economy

Introducing more robust monitoring and targets to spur Europe’s move to a circular economy would help improve resource efficiency, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report. The EEA report ‘Resource efficiency and...

A Future in Recycling: From Street Waste Collector to Entrepreneur

Young people on parts of the African continent sometimes turn to waste management as an ad hoc or extra job to make small money when they are struggling with unemployment, but often...

Mexico City, a Megalopolis’ War on Plastic Bags

Paper cones, called “cucuruchos”, have been traditionally used by shoppers in Mexico City for carrying spices and grains. Now these plastic-free alternatives are making a comeback, along with straw baskets and reusable...

European Union Continues to Phase-Down Its Use of Climate-Warming Fluorinated Gases

The EEA report ‘Fluorinated greenhouse gases 2019’ assesses the data reported in 2019 by European companies on the production, import, export, destruction and feedstock use of F-gases until 2018. It looks at...

Improving Circular Economy Practices in the Construction Sector Key to Increasing Material Reuse

The EEA briefing ‘Construction and demolition waste: challenges and opportunities in a circular economy,’ says more must be done in preventing or recycling the large amount of waste produced by the construction...

A Deep Demonstration of a Circular, Regenerative and Low-Carbon Economy in Slovenia

The Slovenian parliament passed a motion to adopt an EIT Climate-KIC-led proposal called “A Deep Demonstration of a Circular, Regenerative and Low-Carbon Economy in Slovenia” last November. The initiative is one of...

Celanese Bio-Based Materials and Recycled Offerings Deliver Value to Businesses and Consumers

Bio-based materials create opportunity to offer products that maximize the value of natural resources DALLAS & DÜSSELDORF, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--$CE #Celanese--Advancements in the “Circular Economy” are creating opportunities for business value wh...
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