Warming Oceans Are Changing the World’s Rainfall
Sustainability Hits the High Street with New H&M Clothing Line
52 Percent of World’s Birds of Prey Populations in Decline
EU Climate Law Could Cause ‘Catastrophic’ Deforestation
Scaling Up Climate Action ‘Could Provide $26tn to Global Economy’
British Fashion Council Commits to a Fur-Free London Fashion Week
Danish Brewer Carlsberg to Swap Plastic 6-Pack Rings for Glue
Adidas Sold over a Million Pairs of Trainers Made from Ocean Plastics in 2017
Asia’s Growing Appetite for Meat Is Causing Problems for the Environment
Botswana Poaching Spree Sees 90 Elephants Killed in Two Months
Burberry Vows to Stop Burning Unsold Clothes and Using Real Fur
Indonesia Mobilizes 20,000 Citizens to Clean Up Plastic Pollution
Deforestation in South America Causes Extinction of 8 Bird Species
World Bank Launches Bond Series to Raise Awareness About Water and Ocean Resources
Japan Killed 50 Whales in Antarctic Protected Area, Data Shows
EU Ends Anti-Dumping and Anti-Subsidy Measures on Chinese Solar Imports