Category:Environmental Protection

A Pretty Stream in Belgium Is so Polluted Its Water Could Be Used as Pesticide

The idyllic stream that meanders through the Flemish countryside has been called the most polluted stream in Europe.When you think of a polluted waterway, what do you envision? For me, a dark,...

Ethical Shoe Company Toms Moves Beyond the Buy One/Give One Model

Shoppers can now choose to support a broader range of social issues."Wear your beliefs" is a catchy tagline that appears on the TOMS website, and the company is trying to make that...

EU Clean Water Laws Under Attack from Industry Lobbyists

Industry lobbies are mounting a push to roll back EU clean water regulations, even though less than half of the continent’s rivers, wetlands and lakes are in a healthy state.The lobby offensive...

Nearly Every US National Park Is Plagued by ‘Significant’ Air Pollution

A new report outlines the disastrous effects that air pollution is having on our national natural treasures.In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed the National Park Service Organic Act, a federal law that...

One Million Plant and Animal Species ‘Now at Threat of Extinction’

One million plant and animal species are now at threat of extinction.That’s the troubling conclusion reached in a new report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), which...

Nestlé Supply Chain ‘Now 77% Deforestation-Free’

Nestlé’s supply chain is now 77% deforestation-free.In 2010 the company committed to ensuring that none of its products would be associated with the environmentally-damaging process of cutting down forests by 2020. It says...

Washington Could Become First US State to Allow ‘Human Composting’

Washington could become the first US state to allow ‘human composting’.The state has passed a bill that would legalise the eco-friendly process, which could turn dead bodies into two wheelbarrows full of...

At Least 28 Hippos Found Dead in Ethiopia’s National Park

The bodies of at least 28 hippopotamuses have been found in Ethiopia's national park in the southwest of the country, local media reported Monday. The semi-aquatic mammals died in the Gibe Sheleko...

Major Threats to New Zealand’s Environment Highlighted in Government Report

New Zealand's pristine image as a haven of untouched forests and landscapes was tarnished this week by a brand new government report. The Environment Aotearoa 2019 painted a bleak image of the...

Deforestation in Tropical Countries Linked to European Diets in New Study

One-sixth of the carbon footprint of the average diet in the European Union can be directly linked to deforestation in tropical countries, according to a new study from researchers at Chalmers University...

Russia to Release Hundreds of Illegally Captured Orcas and Belugas from ‘Whale Jail’

Russian authorities have announced that they will release all 97 whales currently being held captive in the country’s Far East.The whales made news in November last year when an aerial drone video...

Wolves ‘Established’ in Netherlands for First Time in 140 Years

For the first time in 140 years, wolves have an official home in the Netherlands. Ecologists told BBC Radio 4 that a female wolf they had been tracking had stayed in the country...

Skyscrapers Are Killing up to 1bn Birds a Year in US, Scientists Estimate

Scientists estimate that at least 100 million and maybe as many as a billion birds die each year in the US when they collide with buildings, especially glass-covered or illuminated skyscrapers. And,...

Let Nature Heal Climate and Biodiversity Crises, Say Campaigners

The restoration of natural forests and coasts can simultaneously tackle climate change and the annihilation of wildlife but is being worryingly overlooked, an international group of campaigners have said.Animal populations have fallen...

Strawberries, Spinach and Kale Are Riddled with Pesticides

A diet rich in fruits and veggies is considered to be key to good health. They are low in calories but high in nutrients. Just what the doctor ordered. Or is it?Because...

IKEA Introduces Environmentally-Friendly Ice Cream

IKEA has introduced an environmentally-friendly vegan ice cream to its Bistro menu in Europe. Starting from April 2019, the retailer will sell its sustainable strawberry-flavour soft ice, which it says has almost half...
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