Category:Environmental Protection

Carbon Dioxide Levels Hit New Record; COVID Impact ‘a Tiny Blip’, Wmo Says 

“We breached the global threshold of 400 parts per million in 2015. And just four years later, we crossed 410 ppm. Such a rate of increase has never been seen in the...

How to Turn Industrial Carbon Emissions Into Building Materials

When Sophia Hamblin Wang flew to Davos, Switzerland, in January 2020, swathes of her home country, Australia, was on fire."So many of my communities were affected in profound ways. We could feel...

Still Insufficient Progress in Making Transport Fuels More Climate Friendly

The European Union is behind its objective to reduce the greenhouse gas emission intensity of fuels sold for road transport to 6 percent below 2010 levels, as set out in the EU’s...

Backed by Space Technology, Asia-Pacific Countries Power Sustainable Development

Asian and Pacific nations are leveraging space technology and geospatial information to respond to challenges on the ground, including in their efforts to contain the spread and mitigate the impact of the...

Here’s Why the Business of Sustainability Has Come of Age

In 2019, impact investing was a $715 billion global market. Looking beyond the pure financial heft of the market, the number accurately reflects the growing reality among corporates and investors who are...

This Initiative Can Give City Trees a Second Life – and Create Jobs

The city is a difficult place for a tree to survive. Compared to their counterparts in the countryside, urban trees generally get less water, suffer more intense heat, compete for space with...

Fao Calls for Stepping up Forest and Landscape Restoration

Efforts to restore the world's degraded forests and landscapes must be scaled up to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, said FAO in a new publication released today. Land and forest...

Mediterranean Basin Facing Irreversible Environmental Damage, Warns new UNEP Report

Rising inequality, biodiversity loss, the growing impact of climate change and unrelenting pressure on natural resources could lead to irreversible environmental damage in the Mediterranean basin, according to a new report by...

Latest Evaluation Shows Europe’s Nature in Serious, Continuing Decline

A majority of EU wide protected species, such as the Saker Falcon and the Danube Salmon, and habitats from grasslands to dunes across Europe, face an uncertain future unless more is urgently...

Scouring the Mekong for Trash – and Data

In Chiang Rai, Thailand, a city perched on the banks of the Mekong River, a group of some 90 residents and university students came together to pick up trash on 19  September. Like...

Tasmanian Devils Return to Australia’s mainland After 3,000 Years

The world’s largest surviving marsupial carnivore, the Tasmanian Devil, has been returned to the wild on Australia’s mainland for the first time in 3,000 years. Actor couple Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky joined...

How Investing In Nature Can Help Tackle The Biodiversity And Climate Crises

This month, world leaders and experts convened for the UN General Assembly which is culminating in the UN Summit on Biodiversity today. The Summit will emphasise the need to safeguard nature and...

Say NO to a toxic Europe!

We call on you to guarantee that the new EU Chemicals Strategy protects our health and the environment, and fully lives up to the Commission’s commitments towards the zero pollution ambition for...

Golden Opportunity to Stop Deforestation Caused by EU Consumption

Fires raging in the Amazon are started deliberately to make way for large-scale industrial agriculture – and EU market demand for commodities produced on former-forest land is adding fuel to the fires....

Vegan Leather Made From Mushrooms Could Mould the Future of Sustainable Fashion

Seven millennia since its invention, leather remains one of the most durable and versatile natural materials. However, some consumers question the ethical ramifications and environmental sustainability of wearing products sourced from animals.This shift in social standards is...

Significant Progress in Expanding Protected Nature Sites in Eastern Europe

The EEA’s briefing 'Protected areas in the Eastern Partnership countries' found that between 2000 and 2019 coverage of nationally protected areas were expanded in all six partnership countries which includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,...
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