Category:Environmental Protection

Snøhetta & Saferock Turn Mining Waste Into Zero-Carbon Concrete

Internationally renowned Norwegian architecture and design company Snøhetta has teamed up with Norwegian startup Saferock to develop a zero-carbon concrete for use in construction. This is big news considering the level of carbon emissions of the...

The Raintap Portable Water Station Brings Sustainable Water Management To Homes

It goes without saying that water is fundamental to human life, and yet in spite of this we are often not mindful of our water usage habits. Turning on a tap for...

Indigenous Communities in Danger of Being Erased from the Map in Brazil

“We were already on this land before Brazil was Brazil”, said Eliseu Lopes, Indigenous leader. After living on and fighting for their lands for centuries, the rights of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil are...

Western Balkans Mayors Commit to Tackle Air Quality Challenges with Support of Energy Community Secretariat and Western Balkans Green Center

On the occasion of the Energy Community Just Transition Forum on 30. June, nine Western Balkan municipalities came together virtually to sign a declaration launching the Clean Air Regions Initiative (CARI). By signing...

Three Ways the US can Act on the Plastic Waste Crisis and Protect our Oceans

An exorbitant amount of plastic waste continues to plague our oceans, threatening marine life and the people who depend on these waters for their livelihoods. An estimated 11 million metric tons of...

Stop Destroying our Ocean

European countries claim to want to protect the ocean and restore biodiversity in this ecological and climate emergency. As such, the EU must finally phase out destructive fishing practices, starting with an...

Thacker Pass Lithium Mine Opposed By 4 Conservation Groups

With 4 conservation and public accountability groups filing for a preliminary injunction in the Federal District Court in Reno, the construction of the Thacker Pass lithium mine has taken center stage. The motion for...

Costa Rica Will Invest 54 Million Dollars in Climate Action Thanks to the Conservation of its Forests

Thanks to the conservation of its forests, Costa Rica will invest 54 million dollars over the next five years from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which last November recognized 14,7 million metric...

Seagrass meadows, coral reefs and destructive fishing

A remote area in the middle of the Indian Ocean, between the Seychelles and Mauritius, this underwater plateau the size of Belgium is home to the world’s largest seagrass meadow, some of...

World Set to Miss Environment-Related Sustainable Development Goals – UN report

Despite progress in key environmental areas such as clean water, sanitation, clean energy, forest management and waste, countries are still living unsustainably and are on course to miss the environmental dimensions of...

Greenpeace: Stop Deep Sea Mining Before It Begins

In March 2021, the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior set sail to a place called the Clarion Clipperton Zone in the Pacific Ocean to stop an emerging ocean threat – deep sea mining...

Biden Administration Releases US National Climate Plan

You’ve probably heard of the Paris Climate Agreement, the world’s hallmark climate action framework. At the core of the agreement are national climate plans, also known as Nationally Determined Contributions. But what exactly is...

This Is How CO2 Can Be Transformed Into Food for Animals

A British biotechnology start-up is converting industrial greenhouses gases into protein for animal fodder. The company uses a process it says can help to feed the world’s growing population while simultaneously being...

Cleaning Up After Water Pollution

It is very difficult to reverse the effects of water pollution. Natural processes that cleanse the water can take years, decades, or even centuries, and even with costly technological processes, it can...

Four Rivers And Wetlands We Love, And Can’t Afford To Lose

Water means different things to different people. For some, it nourishes livelihoods and drives local economies and for others it’s a source of recreation and reflection. Water is valued for a variety...

Urban Fish Ponds: Low-Tech Sewage Treatment for Towns and Cities

In the mid 20th century, whole cities’ sewage systems safely and successfully used fish to treat and purify their water. Waste-fed fish ponds are a low-tech, cheap, and sustainable alternative to deal...
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