New Study Reconciles a Dispute About How Fast Global Warming Will Happen
Build Walls on Seafloor to Stop Glaciers Melting, Scientists Say
Businesses Including Uber and Nokia Team Up Against Climate Change
People in Coastal Areas ‘Need to Seriously Consider Relocation’
Climate Change Driving Global Hunger Increase, Warns UN
Warming Oceans Are Changing the World’s Rainfall
Scaling Up Climate Action ‘Could Provide $26tn to Global Economy’
Drought Increases CO2 Concentration in the Atmosphere, Say Researchers
Climate Change Is Melting the French Alps, Say Mountaineers
Fast-Melting Lakes Could Increase Permafrost Emissions 118 Percent
Sweden’s Reindeer at Risk of Starvation After Summer Drought
Summer Weather Is Getting ‘Stuck’ Due to Arctic Warming
‘Turning CO2 into Useful Products Such As Concrete Will Incentivise Decarbonisation’
Climate Change Threatens Champagne’s Unique Taste
Last Year Was Warmest Ever That Didn’t Feature an El Niño, Report Finds
Domino-Effect of Climate Events Could Move Earth into a ‘Hothouse’ State