Greenland Is Melting Even Faster Than Experts Thought, Study Finds
More Than 400 Arrested at Extinction Rebellion Protests in London
100 Million Tree-Planting Initiative Launched By Arbor Day Foundation
Extreme Weather Leaves Scottish Farmers with £161m Bill
Decarbonisation ‘Must Accelerate to Stay in Line with Paris Agreement’
‘BirthStrike’ Movement Encourages People to Stop Having Children in the Face of Climate Change
By 2050, Winter Will No Longer Exist in Australia, Say Researchers
Cuba’s Tobacco Growers Confront Climate Change
Climate Strike: Schoolchildren Protest over Climate Change
Climate Change Seen as Top Threat in Global Survey
New Study Claims Climate Change Could Be Linked to Heart Defects in Newborns
Droughts Lead to Higher Levels of HIV in Lesotho
Investors Worth $6.5 Trillion Demand Climate Action from Fast Food
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels ‘to Soar Through 2019’
What Does ’12 Years to Save the Planet’ Really Mean?
Pet Food Manufacturers Are Experimenting with Insects instead of Meat