EBRD Loan and EU Grants to OTP Leasing to Support SMEs in Serbia
EBRD Backs Serbia’s Upgrade of Agricultural Infrastructure
Energy Transition: from Commitment to Action
Serbia Opens Energy, Environment and Climate Change Chapters Under EU Accession Process
EBRD Invests 5 Million Euros in Lithuanian Green Bond to Accelerate Regional Renewables
Nature-Based Solutions as a Response to Climate Change
WMO Recognizes new Arctic Temperature Record of 38⁰C
Investing in Digitalisation for Happier Customers and Employees
Ministerial Council decides in the Tuzla 7 case
“The Power of Nature” at the Belgrade Fair
Increasing energy efficiency is a national goal
EBRD and EU Help Furniture Manufacturer in Serbia to Invest in Modern Equipment
EBRD, EU and Austria finance energy efficiency in Serbia’s homes
EBRD and EU Support Packaging Producer in Serbia
EBRD supports coal transition in Kragujevac, Serbia