

Electric vehicles (EV) contributed to transformation and decarbonization of transportation. To accelerate the process and take advantage of it brings both to consumers and the environment, it is essential to speed up...


Road traffic is one of the major polluters of the environment. According to research, about 60 per cent of polluting substances enter the air from exhaust pipes. To reduce air pollution, we...


Earning the position of the largest regional distributor of photovoltaic materials requires not only the availability of various products and services, but a sincere understanding of the customer needs resulting in their...

Drop in EU imports of energy products in Q3 2023

In the third quarter of 2023, the EU imported 35.4 billion euros worth of energy products amounting to a total of 65 million tonnes. Compared with the same quarter of 2022, imports...

Additional EBRD loan and EU grant for Corridor Vc in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The construction of Corridor Vc, a key infrastructure project in Bosnia and Herzegovina that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) supports, is progressing with new financing from the EBRD, European...

Artificial intelligence improves the efficiency of electric vehicles

Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a significant role in e-mobility and sustainable transport globally, and Serbia is catching up with the world in this area. The application of AI in e-mobility and sustainable...

Arctic Report Card documents evidence of accelerating climate change

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric has issued its annual Arctic Report Card. It documents new evidence that warming of the air, ocean and land is affecting people, ecosystems and communities across...

Slovenia’s comprehensive approach to facilitating the growth of electromobility

Size-wise, Slovenia is one of the smaller countries in Europe whose territory is more than half covered by forests, is recognizable by its beautiful landscapes and is often known as a country...

Electricity demand for e-vehicles will grow rapidly

Munich (dpa) - In Europe, electricity consumption for electric cars and trucks will probably reach 355 terawatt hours per year by 2040, from the current 16 terawatt hours, according to the results of a study. In...

New Wind Charter and national wind pledges underline ambition for wind power in Europe

The EU’s ambition to advance wind energy took two further steps forward in the margins of Energy Council in Brussels, following up on two of the measures outlined in the recent European...

EU economy emissions in 2022: down 22 percent since 2008

In 2022, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by economic activities of EU resident units stood at 3.6 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalents (CO2-eq), indicating a 22 percent decrease compared with 2008. The activities with the highest GHG emissions in 2022...

Smart robotic automation solutions from ABB to support sustainability targets for Volvo Cars

ABB announced the strengthening of its long-standing partnership with Volvo Cars to supply more than 1,300 robots and functional packages to build the next generation of electric vehicles. This will support the...

Halting biodiversity loss: EU outlines achievements one year after adoption of global plan for nature and people

Yesterday marked one year since 196 countries agreed the Kunming–Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) at the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity (COP15) as an action plan to protect, restore, sustainably use, manage...


Serbia, like the whole of Europe, is working intensively to become energy independent and wants to achieve this with the help of renewable energy sources (RES). To meet the set goals, it...

EBRD and EU finance Serbian businesses via OTP Banka Serbia

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing 60 million euros in financing to OTP Banka in Serbia. As part of the financial package, 10 million euros will be lent...


The fifteenth consecutive international conference IEEE PES PowerTech Belgrade 2023, held in Belgrade in late June, gathered around 600 participants—academic lecturers, well-known researchers in the field of power engineering, managers, and leaders...
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