
German Onshore Wind Sees Record Auction Volumes, Permitting Improvements and Crucial New Port Investments

German onshore wind is going from strength to strength. In a blockbuster announcement the German Federal Network Agency Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) has just raised the onshore wind auction volumes for 2024 to almost...

Ecology Embassy in the Culture Street

In a Belgrade neighborhood, the so-called Culture Street, there is a completely new and dynamic combination of culture and ecology – the first solar cultural centre in Serbia and beyond, called Eko...

Producing Hydrogen from Iron-Rich Rocks without Emitting Carbon Dioxide?

Hydrogen is often said to be the fuel of the future because its combustion does not emit carbon dioxide. However, for now, most hydrogen gas is still produced from natural gas, which...

Up to 11 Million Tons of Plastic at the Bottom of the Ocean

People are primarily concerned about the pollution of the sea by visible plastic floating on the surface of the water, but what should worry us, even more, is the sunken plastic waste...

Record Reduction of 2023 ETS Emissions due Largely to Boost in Renewable Energy

Last year’s emissions under the EU’s Emission Trading System (ETS) show the most significant annual emissions reductions since the ETS was launched in 2005. The main driver is the power sector’s significant...

Cellulose Plastic for a Healthier Environment

The idea of bioplastics is not new – for some time, environmentally oriented scientists have been trying to develop a fully recyclable replacement for plastic as we know it today. Researchers from Hokkaido...

Conference Green Energy Transition

In cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, the Belgian-Serbian Business Association, Hellenic Business Association of Serbia, Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Croatian Business Club, invite you to...

Energetik Energija Conquers the Regional Market

As one of the leading distributors of photovoltaic components in the Balkans, Energetik energija d.o.o. offers customers the best solutions in the field of photovoltaics. We discussed everything they did this year...

ESG In the Oil Industry – Sustainable Business Implies Responsibility

The focus of the last United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development Goals, which took place in mid-September, was precisely on fulfilling these goals. Officials warn that the situation is slowly but surely...

EBRD and Erste Approve Financing for new Windfarm in Serbia

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), together with Erste Group Bank AG and its local bank Erste Bank a.d. Novi Sad (Erste), have approved a financing package worth 91.4 million...

After Slight Rise In 2023, Methane Emissions From Fossil Fuels Are Set To Go Into Decline Soon

Methane emissions from the energy sector remained near a record high in 2023 – but substantial policies and regulations announced in recent months, as well as fresh pledges stemming from the COP28...

Old Mines Can Be Used for Energy Storage

In addition to renewable energy production facilities being built left and right, the energy transition we are striving for also requires the construction of energy storage facilities since the efficiency of renewable...

Germany is Closing its Coal-Fired Power Plants

A complex story about the energy transition and the challenges that the global geopolitical situation brings with it is unfolding in a country that strives to be a leader in the fight...

Eager Beavers in the Service of Protecting  the Planet

Finding the good in bad life circumstances was clearly shown during the coronavirus pandemic when people became closer and nature started recovering. The story of Jasmina Lazić and Slobodan Branković, self-confessed travelphiles,...

The Future of Heat Pumps in China

Heating accounts for almost 20 per cent of energy use in industry and buildings globally, and about one-quarter of energy-sector emissions. China’s buildings and industry sectors account for about one-third of global...


The new mounting systems from K2 add another dimension to the areas that can be used to generate energy. This is because they allow systematic and therefore fast PV installation on facades. Most...
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