
Is it Possible to Combine the Chemical Industry and Circular Economy?

The chemical industry is an important segment of the global economy because it employs more than 15 million people worldwide and has global annual revenues of 5.7 trillion dollars, according to data...

Procredit Bank – the New Face of Digitization

Most banks worldwide are digitizing banking services, and the challenges that their clients have to face are identical – changing their habits and accepting that digital banking brings multiple benefits. Thanks to...

Sharp Declines in Critical Mineral Prices Mask Risks of Future Supply Strains as Energy Transitions Advance

Pressure eased in 2023 on the market for minerals that go into electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar panels and other clean energy technologies, as supply outpaced surging demand. But a new report...

Two Years of REPowerEU: Strengthening Europe’s Energy Resilience

In May 2022, the European Commission launched the REPowerEU Plan in response to war in Ukraine and its use of energy resources as an economic weapon. The Plan’s main objectives were to...

First Regional E-waste Project in Latin America Comes to a Xlose

Representatives from across Latin America will gather this week to share their experiences of participating in UNIDO’s first-ever regional project on e-waste management. Since its launch in Quito in March 2018, the Global...

Can Heavy Industry Rely on Solar Energy?

The decarbonization of heavy industry is one of the biggest challenges in fighting climate change because this sector consumes huge amounts of energy. For this reason, the use of fossil fuels is...

India is the Third Country in the World in Terms of Solar Energy Production

According to the latest global electricity survey of 80 countries published by the Ember think tank, India now occupies third place in the world regarding solar power generation, behind China in first...

France Announces Winners of World’s First Commercial-Scale Floating Offshore Wind Auction

France announced the winners of the 250 MW South Brittany floating offshore wind auction, the world’s first commercial-scale floating offshore wind auction. This is a major milestone for floating offshore wind technology....

CEEFOR is Designing Another Power Plant

At a time when countries worldwide are searching for sustainable solutions, reaching for renewable energy sources and striving for energy independence, every new project implemented along the way is a symbol of...

Support for the Implementation of Innovative Solutions for a Smooth Green Transition

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has a unique financing programme designed by the organization’s key development team. The financing programme is related to Public Calls in the form of challenges for...

Global Temperature Record Streak Continues

It was the warmest April on record – the eleventh month in a row of record global temperatures. Sea surface temperatures have been record high for the past 13 months. Extreme weather...

New Agrisolar Digital Map Presents over 200 Projects across Europe

SolarPower Europe has launched a new digital map highlighting more than 200 agrisolar projects across Europe that exceed a combined capacity of 2.8 GW, including both pilot and commercial projects. Agrisolar, referring to...

Ethiopia is the First Country in the World to Ban the Import of Fossil Fuel Vehicles

Although many countries have announced a ban on the import and production of conventional vehicles as targets for 2030 or 2050, Ethiopia is the first country in the world to actually ban...

134 million USD initiative aims to eliminate mercury-containing medical devices

The Governments of Albania, Burkina Faso, India, Montenegro and Uganda have united to combat chemical pollution, launching a 134-million dollars project to eliminate the use of mercury in medical devices. Used in health-care...

EU prepares for the 2024 wildfire season

Summer is almost upon us. That means barbecues, beaches and ice cream, but the reality is, it also means bracing ourselves for the upcoming wildfire season. That is why the EU has this...

With the Novaston Team, Schneider Electric has LEED Platinum Certification

The InGrid office building of the company Schneider Electric recently received LEED Platinum certification. The entire certification process, from the very beginning of implementation to realization, was led by the Novaston Project...
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