Church of England Threatens to Withdraw Investment from Oil and Gas
US and Russia ‘to Dominate Global Pipeline Expenditure to 2022’
Pope Francis Tells Oil Bosses World Must Reduce Fossil Fuel Use
Hamburg Bans Diesel Cars on Two of Its Roads
Construction Delays Make New Nuclear Power Plants Costlier than Ever
Are Fossil Fuels out of Fashion at the UN Climate Talks?
Green Energy: Good For The Planet, Bad For Fossil Fuel Workers
US Coal Exports Rose 61% In 2017, Recovering From Drops In Previous Years
Global Carbon Emissions Rise for First Time Since 2014
Government Floats Proposals to Phase Out Coal and Oil Heating from 2020s
‘The Beginning of the End of Coal’: Chile Unveils Coal Phase Out Plan
Report: Small Modular Reactors Vital for Low-Carbon Transition
‘My Priority’: Macron Promises to Use Nuclear and Renewables to Deliver Emissions Cuts
Paris: World Bank Will No Longer Finance Oil and Gas Projects Starting from 2019
India’s Coal Imports From North America Tripled Year On Year In October