Category:Nuclear Energy

Great britain’s ambitious plans for nuclear energy

The United Kingdom relies heavily on renewable wind energy and gas as well. In recent years, there has been a similar demand for gas and wind and these two sources are the...

WWF to Croatian Members of EP: Vote Down the “Fake Green” Taxonomy

In a few weeks’ time, the EU could classify nuclear power and fossil gas as ‘sustainable’. More specifically, the EU is about to sign off on a list of "green" investments as...

Clean Energy Transition ‘Will Be Harder and Costlier Without Nuclear’

The transition to a clean energy economy will be much harder and more costly without nuclear power.That’s according to a new report from the International Energy Agency (IEA), which suggests four billion...

Japan Struggles to Relocate Fukushima Nuclear Waste

Japan is struggling to find a resting place for soil contaminated in the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear meltdown.In the years after the disaster, thousands of workers starting removing soil, debris and other...

France Bids Adieu to 14 of Its Nuclear Power Stations

French President Emmanuel Macron has said the nuclear-reliant nation will close 14 of its 58 operational nuclear reactors by 2035.The leader added between four and six facilities will be closed by 2030...

UK Experts Back Subsidies for Mini Nuclear Power Plants

The UK Government should provide subsidies to developers of mini nuclear power stations like it did with the offshore wind industry. That’s the recommendation of the Expert Finance Working Group (EFWG), an independent...

Rising Sea Temperatures Force Vattenfall to Close Reactor in Sweden

After reactor 2 at the Swedish Ringhals nuclear power plant had been running at reduced capacity since Monday 30 July, it was closed down completely Tuesday afternoon. The continued warm weather in Sweden...

Construction Delays Make New Nuclear Power Plants Costlier than Ever

The cost of building new nuclear power plants is nearly 20 per cent higher than expected due to delays, a new analysis has found.A new analysis of the history of nuclear power...

Report: Small Modular Reactors Vital for Low-Carbon Transition

The government should press ahead with plans to develop small-scale nuclear technology, according to a new Policy Exchange report which argues nuclear power will be vital for achieving a fully decarbonised electricity...

‘My Priority’: Macron Promises to Use Nuclear and Renewables to Deliver Emissions Cuts

Fresh from the success of hosting the One Planet Summit in Paris last week, French President Emmanuel Macron yesterday underscored his commitment to decarbonising the country's energy system. In an interview with broadcaster...

France Won’t Achieve Goal Of Reducing Nuclear Share Of Power Mix To 50% Until 2030–2035, Environment Minister Reveals

France won’t achieve its goals of reducing the share of its power mix held by nuclear energy to 50%, down from 75%, until the 2030–2035 timeframe (rather than by the 2025 target),...

Saudi Arabia plans to launch nuclear power tender next month

Saudi Arabia is expected to launch a tender process for its first nuclear reactors as early as next month and will reach out to potential vendors from countries including South Korea, France...

It’s Official: Nuclear Power Can’t Compete With Renewables

The nuclear revival the global industry has been hoping for took another hammer blow this week when two reactors under construction in South Carolina were abandoned, only 40 percent complete. The plan had...

What Is The Future For Nuclear Power Plants?

With an ever-growing need for power, countries across the globe are constantly looking for the most economical, logical and sustainable solutions to meet demand. At the same time specialist recruiters such as...

Northwest Nuclear Plant Gets ‘White Finding’ From Federal Investigation

Tuesday the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission scolded the Northwest’s only nuclear power plant. The NRC said the Columbia Generating Station in southeast Washington improperly packaged, mis-labeled and shipped too-hot radioactive waste. The NRC...

UK Nuclear Decommissioning Debacle Costs Government Nearly £100m

The government has been forced to pay nearly £100m in a settlement with two US companies for mishandling the way it awarded a £6.1bn nuclear decommissioning deal. Ministers have ordered an inquiry headed...
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