Led by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)’s Director-General, Francesco La Camera, the Agency undertook a four-day mission to Indonesia on 24-27 July.
During the mission, the IRENA Director-General met with government ministers and other high-ranking individuals, participated in a site visit to a micro-hydroelectric plant, and engaged with media.
The mission’s aim was to strengthen relations with key figures engaged in Indonesia’s energy transition and promote IRENA’s series of investment forums designed to mobilise investments for ground action. IRENA’s first ever Investment Forum is co-hosted with the G20 Indonesia Presidency, through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and takes place in Bali from 31 August to 1 September this year.
Empowering Decision-Makers
IRENA’s long-term goal for the Forums is to empower decision-makers to foster an enabling environment for energy transition investments, while channeling accessible finance for highly bankable projects.
In a meeting on 26 July with Indonesia’s Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Pahala Nugraha Mansury, the Director-General stressed the importance of the forums and outlined IRENA’s support for the country’s G20 presidency in 2022.
Mr. La Camera informed the deputy minister that Indonesia’s role was crucial in the energy transition, and IRENA would provide support and assistance in the areas of energy accessibility and energy finance to support the country’s on-going efforts. “Our roadmap for Indonesia will be aligned with the country’s objectives to achieve energy independence and decarbonise the energy sector,” Mr. La Camera added.
On the following day, a meeting was held with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif where the two discussed the energy transition agenda under the G20 Indonesia Presidency.
Source: IRENA