Insure Your Electric Vehicle

Photo: DDOR Novi Sad

Serbia is in the beginning stages of introducing electric vehicles on the market. However, it does not have a developed network of charging stations, but it is believed that the situation is going to resolve itself. Very soon, it will not be enough for vehicles to only have zero emissions of harmful gases. The entire process will have to be clean, from manufacture to recycling. Our country has plenty of room for improvement, especially regarding the benefits for electric car owners and establishment of the network of charging stations, which are key drivers when selling these vehicles and changing the attitudes of drivers. We believe that Serbia will decide to implement the best practices from the region and the EU.

Regardless of what type of fuel your car uses, the risks remain and economic profitability may be brought into question, but only if you are not insured.

DDOR casco insurance of motor vehicles provides security and protection in case your vehicle is damaged or totalled due to occurrence of various risks and sudden drastic events. Our company allows you to choose for yourself which risks you are to insure your vehicles against. You can also choose the method of payment.

Casco insurance is the safest way to protect your car in terms of indemnity received if the vehicle is damaged or even totalled. You must have wondered a hundred times whether you need casco insurance, especially if you are driving an older car. The facts speak for themselves: 60,000 traffic accidents occur in our country each year, and the covered losses amount to nearly 50 million euros, whereas as much as 45% of damage is done on parking lots by unknown persons. It is good to know that the average claim amount paid per vehicle due to traffic accidents is 1,000 euros. In addition to material losses that may be covered, there are losses that no amount of insurance can cover – life. In dangerous traffic situations, your knowledge and experience are what saves you.

This is why “DDOR Novi Sad” is the only insurance company that gives priceless experience to all its insureds who purchase a casco policy with annual premium of over 200 EUR, which they can gain during the training course in safe driving at the National Driving Academy NAVAK. This gift is bestowed on all insureds, regardless of whether they are insuring their vehicles at “DDOR Novi Sad” for the first time or are renewing insurance.

  • Gift – initial training course in safe driving – with every casco policy with annual premium between 200 and 400 EUR;
  • Gift – intensive training course in safe driving – with each policy with annual premium exceeding 400 EUR;
  • Additional 10% discount on casco premium for the following year – for all insureds who complete the training course in safe driving for basic risks;
  • A 5% discount on the number of years as driver;
  • Discount on cash payments.

With special consideration to the environment and ecological issues (in terms of decreasing the emissions of harmful gases while driving), DDOR Novi Sad added to its sales network three Toyota hybrids (containing both a gasoline engine and an electric motor).

This content was originally published in the eighth issue of the Energy Portal Bulletin, named ECOMOBILITY.

