Innovative Technology is the Key to Creating a Sustainable Future

Photo: Microsoft

The Siemens company published a global report on sustainable development for the fiscal year 2023, which pointed out that the development of technology is one of the key answers to the challenges facing the planet.

In a year of record heat waves, wildfires and floods, at a time of rising energy prices, inflation, supply chain issues, labor shortages and rising geopolitical tensions, the demand to accelerate digital and sustainable transformation has never been greater, according to the latest Siemens report, which includes the company’s operations from October 2022 to the end of September last year.

This technology leader, which employs 320,000 people around the planet and operates in almost every country in the world, was one of the first global companies to commit to becoming carbon neutral by 2030 back in 2015. Meanwhile, Siemens has reduced the CO2 footprint from its own operations by 50 per cent compared to 2019 and aims for a 90 per cent reduction by 2030.


“Innovative technology plays a key role in creating a sustainable future. What is the concrete impact of responsible business on sustainability, and thus on the lives of all of us, is shown by the fact that Siemens products sold in fiscal year 2023 alone will prevent about 190 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent emissions during their lifetime. This represents more than, say, the emissions of the Netherlands. It is clear that the future depends on us, institutions, organizations, companies, and each individual, as well as on how we treat nature, society, and our businesses. That’s why what we do today is important for our common tomorrow”, Jovana Vukotić, Head of corporate communications at Siemens Serbia, said on this occasion and added that more than 90 per cent of Siemens’ portfolio consists of products that enable a positive impact on sustainability.

According to her, the importance of responsible business is reflected in the fact that it does not determine our actions concerning the environment but the whole society and employees. During 2023, Siemens invested 416 million euros in a culture of active learning, ensuring sustainable employability in a rapidly changing labor market. Within the global company, women in the highest management positions now make up 31 per cent, which means that the goal of 30 per cent of women in management by 2025 has been achieved two years ahead of schedule.

Siemens Serbia

Read the story in the new issue of the Energy portal Magazine SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE AND FINANCING OF GREEN CONSTRUCTIO.

