Indian State-Owned Hydro Company Seeks Partner for 500 Megawatt Solar Venture

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

SJVN Limited is looking for a partner to set up a solar power capacity of 500 megawatts. The state-owned company plans a joint venture which will participate in the auctions organized by other public sector companies.

In the proposed joint venture, SJVN will have a minimum of 26% share. Eligible parties to the joint venture must meet certain conditions. In case of project developers, they should have commissioned at least 50 megawatts of cumulative capacity. In case of PV module manufacturers, the production capacity should be at least 100 megawatts.

SJVN is among several public sector companies in India that plan to set up large-scale solar and wind energy projects across the country as part of the government’s ambitious renewable energy targets.

A four gigawatt solar power park is being planned in Rajasthan by various public sector companies, including SJVN and Solar Energy Corporation of India.

The offer for partnership by SJVN offers a unique opportunity for private sector project developers struggling to survive in the extremely competitive Indian solar power market. Being partner to a public sector company could allow project developers access to cheaper debt finance, which has proven to be critical for bidding at competitive tariffs.

From the point of view of the buyer as well, the presence of a government-owned entity helps boost confidence regarding longevity and proper execution of the project.


