The Green Week’s Second Day – Ensuring the Future of our Countryside 

Tlogouesday explored why we need to invest in our countryside. Participants across Europe shared ideas on how to make sure our countryside stays healthy and productive in the long term.
Early morning took us to Valletta, Malta with European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries,Karmenu Vella welcoming participants to the Sustainable Food and Biowaste Management conference.  

Meanwhile, numerous events were happening all over Europe and online. In Brussels, a conference on how solutions that are inspired or supported by nature can help our countryside to prosper took place. This was followed by an online debate, featuring policymakers and experts including the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis. Panellists explored how to make our food sustainable in future years. Later in the day, nature conservation and its many benefits took centre stage with the announcement of the winners of the LIFE Awards 2015. 

For more information visit link. 

