Green Kilowatts for the Supply of 10,000 Households


The companies B2 Nova Sun, B2 Sunspot, and Elektroprivreda Srbije, a joint stock company, signed electricity purchase and balance responsibility contracts for two solar power plants. B2 Nova Sun – Nova Crnja in Banat and B2 Sunspot – Kikinda are the first solar power plants with whom EPS signed these contracts based on auctions conducted by the Ministry of Mining and Energy. Both solar power plants signed 15-year agreements on the purchase of electricity and the assumption of balance responsibility in trial and permanent operation.

“The purchase and balancing price is determined by market principles. This energy will provide additional security for the operation of our power system and supply for citizens and businesses. It will be sufficient to supply about 10,000 households”, said David Žarković, Executive Director for Energy Portfolio Management at EPS JSC.

Elektroprivreda Srbije is a reliable partner for all companies that have decided to increase the share of energy from renewable sources in Serbia’s energy mix through market premiums auctions. With the investors who participated in the auctions and other independent producers in Serbia, we already have more than one GW of installed capacity from renewable sources, more than 10 per cent of Serbia’s production capacity. With slightly more than 30 per cent of EPS production from the hydro sector, we are already rapidly approaching 50 per cent production from renewable energy sources.


The solar power plant B2 Sunspot is located in the non-building area of the city of Kikinda, at the location of the former landfill. This makes this project exceptional because it is the first power plant in the region to be built on a reclaimed old landfill, which is given a new use with this investment. The planned connection power of this power plant is 7 MW. The solar power plant B2 Nova Sun, with a connection power of 9.9 MW, is being built on a plot in the industrial part of Nova Crnja, right next to the former Sugar Factory. This investment completes the Municipal Plan on the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources.

Miloš Kostić, director of the companies B2 Nova Sun and B2 Sunspot, says that the electricity purchase contracts with Elektroprivreda Srbije are a continuation of the previously signed market premium contracts also concluded with this joint-stock company. A price of 89.7 euros per MWh was accepted for both solar power plants. Both power plants have obtained building permits and signed turnkey construction contracts with the company MT-KOMEX. All the necessary equipment has been purchased for both power plants, and construction is underway.

“In Nova Crnja, the works are slowly coming to an end, and when it comes to the power plant in Kikinda, it is estimated that 40 per cent of the works have been completed”,  Kostić said, adding that the solar power plant in Kikinda is expected to be connected to the grid at the beginning of May.

The total annual production of these two solar power plants will be 25,000 MWh. The power plants were financed partly from investors’ funds, while the other part was financed from loans from two banks. Kostić pointed out that despite the large number of requests and interests of other investors, obtaining all necessary permits went as expected, stressing that all procedures were started on time. He adds that they are continuing their investments in this way; last year, they put into operation the Delasol power plant in Lapovo, with a capacity of 9.9 MW. This is the natural follow-up of the company – as a domestic investor, to increase the share of renewable sources in the energy sector of the Republic of Serbia.

Prepared by: Milica Radičević

Read the story in the new issue of the Energy portal Magazine NATURE CONSERVATION.

