Photo-illustration: Pixabay (mrganso)

In the process of mitigating climate change and fighting for the preservation of natural resources, we are turning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency and optimal consumption.

The use of new technologies and innovative solutions reduces the impact on the environment and emissions of harmful gases while, at the same time, modern society functions smoothly and safely. Achieving climate neutrality and reducing the use of fossil fuels requires an accelerated transition to the use of renewable energy sources. In contrast, the use of the most advanced solutions achieves the optimization of already existing capacities.

The need for a stable supply of electricity is constantly growing, especially when the demand is intensified, and this is possible only with the application of new technologies. By improving performance in hydropower plants, their life cycle is improved; and by installing ABB Ability™ Symphony® Plus SCADA solutions, efficiency is maximized through automation, integration, and optimization of the entire plant, which becomes more reliable. The Repsol company from Spain saw the quality of this system, and it was installed in five of their hydroelectric plants. SCADA provides a standard control methodology with workflow automation and optimization of daily operations with a high degree of security. More than 7,500 Symphony Plus systems have been installed worldwide, of which more than 5,000 support energy applications.


ABB advanced wind solutions

Almost every day, some new, innovative solution in renewable energy sources is presented. They simply become necessary for large systems that use wind and solar energy to work smoothly, providing a stable distribution of the generated electricity.

Overhauling plants operating for years can significantly improve their reliability and extend their service life. In addition, carbon dioxide emissions are inevitably saved. Using the ACS800 inverter, 24 wind turbines at the Aulepa and Aseri wind farms in Estonia operate reliably. Thanks to the new technologies installed in these wind farms, ABB’s maintenance team is ready to help improve the performance of the wind turbines at any time throughout the wind farm’s lifetime.

ABB provides its customers with the most efficient technologies, products and services and introduces innovations for even greater efficiency. It is certain that increasing the capacity of renewable energy sources. However, crucial for climate change mitigation and energy independence cannot happen overnight. Therefore, we must do everything we can now to preserve the environment and reduce costs, as well as to ensure enough energy.

Prepared by: Milica Radičević

Read the story in the new issue of the Energy portal Magazine RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES

