Gigaclear Wires in to Greener Future with Ecotricity Energy Deal

Photo: Pixabay

Households up and down the country will soon be able to surf the web safe in the knowledge their digital playground is being powered by clean energy, thanks to a new deal struck between broadband provider Gigaclear and green energy supplier Ecotricity.

The UK-based broadband provider – which supplies 35,000 properties across the country with high-speed internet – has signed a 100 per cent renewable electricity tariff with Ecotricity, ensuring all the electricity it uses will now come from wind and solar sources.

Ecotricity said it will also be working with Gigaclear in the coming months to install smart meters to track the firm’s energy consumption in real time and help it curb its energy use.

“By switching to green energy, Gigaclear will reduce the environmental impact of their own operations, ­while supporting Britain’s energy independence and the green economy,” Dale Vince, founder of Ecotricity, said in a statement. “Switching to green energy is the biggest single thing – and the easiest thing – that any business can do to cut the emissions that cause air pollution and climate change.”

The deal is the latest indication of the rising business interest in green energy suppliers.

Earlier this week Juliet Davenport, chief executive of rival green supplier Good Energy, told BusinessGreen corporate demand for clean energy tariffs has been on the rise since the Paris Agreement was struck. Good Energy’s business customer sales volume soared 96 per cent last year compared to 2015, it reported this week.


